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Dark Elf - Narylin

The Narylin for centuries have been referred to as Dark Elves as they are not connected to the light of the elf god Elphayme and hail from the Darklands.   They were once a great and respected part of the many Elven Kingdoms until they turned on their brethren over a dispute of control of lands. The two primary Narylin Kingdoms of Aethos were Illunythr & Glyminath. They began what became the Great Elven War. The two narylin kingdoms turned to worship evil deities in their hope to overpower the other elf kingdoms. In seeing these atrocities, the elves performed a ritual of high magic to cut off the narylin from the elven gods and the elven cycle. While the history of Aernoch recalls this as the Elven Darkfall, the Elves refer to it as The Severance.   Being removed from the light of Elphayme, narylin became commonly called dark elves. The Dark Elves were defeated and driven to the Darklands and underground. With their close association to the fallen god Vhrayhthi, the moniker of vraythr was atributed to the dark elves, meaning lower or less than Vhrayhthi. Over time, the epithet of vraythr titled the lands they inhabited. Their severance from reveries and elvish grace saw them become a harsher version of what they once were. Their society is matriarchal with numerous noble families constantly vying for position and power through murder and schemes.   The Dark Elves of Glyminath hold the kingdom of Vraythr above the surface in the Darklands, while the elves of Illunythr have long been a subterranean race. Little is known about the underground kingdom of Illunythr. Rumors say these elves are now deformed monstrosities with little resemblance of the once graceful being they once were.  

Dark Elves of Vraythr

A kingdom like no other on the surface of Aethos, Vraythr retains its night sky nearly year round. With this abnormality, it's understandable that the region holds the last surface kingdom of Dark Elves. The majority of the elves reside in the large city of Vorlum. The matriarchal society still holds an eerie grace that echoes their elven roots, though those connections are long gone. Outwardly, they appeared civil and orderly, but within they were murderous and cunning, always looking to gain higher status in their society as recognized by their Queen.   They retained the old governing titles of the Elven Crowns, but expanded and twisted them to better suit their worship of the former elven goddess of death, Vhrayhthi. They continue to maintain the sole Elvraegaar bloodline of Vhrayhthi, although they hold no touch to Grace. It is for this reason that they turned to a matriarchal society placing the Queen above the High Crown. It was definitive that a child came from the mother, but if a queen laid with many males, it was difficult to know who planted the seed. Regardless, the Elvraegaar bloodline is the most sacred to thier culture. If the queen dies with no heir, the crown goes to the closest female within that bloodline.   The Queen rules supreme. During the reign of the former Queen from Layr Raknik, the Dark Elves of Vraythr began subjugating and building alliances with other creatures and tribes of the Darklands. The new Queen, Laceene Serrifan, continued this and named herself the first Empress of Vraythr.   The males of noble Layrs (houses) vie for her desire as suitors through any means necessary. While she may lie with many during her reign, until she carries a child of her selected suitor does a claim to her throne become possible. Children of the Queen are raised and protected by the suitor family. A female offspring would stand to become the new ruler if the queen were to die, thus vaulting the suitor family to royalty.   If a family is caught openly attempting murder against the royal family or suitor family, their crime is punishable as treason. This would forfiet the family's current standings & holdings and the members involved in the act are executed.  

Queen & Crowns of Vraythr

Empress/Queen - She is the supreme ruler of the Dark Elves of Vraythr and the other natives of the Darklands.

High Crown - The father of the queen is known as the High Crown and is second only to the queen in power.

Nalkeir - The Queen appoints this person, who acts as her voice. They are typically not a member of the family. Upon declaration, the Nalkeir's offsprings gain the title of prince/princess of Vraythr. When appropriate, the Nalkeir may have more power than any of the Crowns.

Urz Crown - The aunts of the Queen

Vos Crown - The uncles of the Queen

Myln Crown - The grandmother of the Queen

Gris Crown - The grandfather of the Queen

Atal Princess - Daughter of the Queen

Atal Prince - Son of the Queen

Fryn Crown - The sister of the Queen. This rarely comes to be as most sisters fight each other for the throne. If one willingly gives up their right to their sister, they give up most of their power and are viewed as low as cousins in rank.

Vas Crown - The brothers of the Queen

Yys Crown - The immediate cousins of the Queen from Vos & Urz

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Iris color — silver, lilac, red, yellow, blue

Sclera — black (very rarely white)   HAIR:

White, Black, or Blue   SKIN:

White to Grey (possible blue to purple)

Originally this subrace of elf carried white to grey skin as they were formerly called snow elves. Various shades of grey are the most prominant. As some retracted to the shadows, over the centuries their skin also took shades of purples and blues.

Cover image: by jhmart1


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