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Empress Laceene Serrifan

Empress of Vraythr & Narylin Queen
(Queen of the Dark Elves)

Daughter of Queen Shariss Raknik & High Crown Moncer Serrifan.   Her mother's reign was a long and prosperous one that saw their people make unexpected alliances. In maintaining the relationships forged by her mother, Laceene earned the right to become the first Empress of Vraythr. This has set the stage for a large army to be raised.   Centuries ago, the Dark Elves of Vraythr & Illunythr attempted to strike out at the Elves of Mondorlyan, but were defeated by the alliance of Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. Forging an alliance with other creatures of the Darklands brings a strength they previously lacked.   Laceene believes that the rise of humanity in Aethos has further put them at a disadvantage. To counteract this, she dove into the ancient past of Aernoch in search for the ultimate equalizer, the secrets of the forgotten kingdom of Khoth that nearly wiped out the Elves when they were at their strongest. Obsessed with Khoth, she found many of her family did not share her desire and wanted to strike out at the daylight dwellers while they still commanded the tenuous relationships over their subjects.  

The Karlyn Insurrection

by LAS-T
Members within Empress Laceene Serrifan's Layr divided over her ideas and goals regarding the ancient lost civilization of Khoth. Her aunt Karlyn, the Urz Crown, rallied those that opposed her. Two Vas Crowns, three Yys Crowns joined the cause as they allied with former enemies of their Layr and a faction of the forgotten Illunythr.   The civil war lasted nearly a century. A secret assault of the Citadel of Morth, the insurrectionists' fortress, lead by Layr Sorn brought an end to the conflict. This defeat of her enemies gained Layr Sorn the Queen's favor. While Thaunis Sorn orchestrated the plan, Raen Sorn was the instrument that brought them victory.  
by Yana Vaseva

Chasing Legacy

Empress Laceene hopes to one day reclaim immortality for herself and her people while also robbing it from their cousins, the Elves. In her bid for this legacy, she studied the arcane. She discovered an ancient relic of Khoth that her people had hidden away thousands of years ago, the Numyn Stone.   Upon her research, she discovered the stone's properties was tied to Abjuration magic, which could be key in producing a bridge to pull the once banished Khoth back to the Material Plane. It would take a lot of energy and a focal point through a crack between planes, which just so happens to be above the cresent valley of the Darklands. She awaits the proper charge of energies from the upcoming double lunar allignment on the Ivanni Equinox.   Additional to bringing forth a single entitiy of Khoth, she has discovered the possibility to control the creature. If she is able to do so, her plan is to retrieve the Aero Tunomer, an ancient device that enhances the stone's power and could bring back the lost kingdom of Khoth in its entirity for her to control.
by Exellero
Honorary & Occupational Titles

1st Empress of Vraythr

Narylin Queen

Red Irises
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale-Gray with a Light-Blue hue
5' 11"

Cover image: by Riot Games
Character Portrait image: by Exellero


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