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Dorath the Designer

God of Honor & Crafting

The Mountain God

Dorath rivaled Elphayme as one of the most intelligent creations of Shae. Known as the Great Designer, he tinkered with shaping material things for the benefit of himself & others. To help his vision for crafting, he created three companions from materials of Aero to share in his work—Belana, Grothan, and Harshanin. These four together procreated and made the Dwarves.  

Surnames developed from items of their own crafting as well as traits observed by the individual. These family names remained and others came to be. Dorath, as the orginal father of the Dwarves and master designer, didn't take a surname. His love for his Dwarven family was strong. He held to the idea that honoring your family is supremely important and decreed it as a law to his people.
by Syler
by MarmaduX
Divine Classification
Ancestral God of the Material Plane
Current Status
Current Location

Cover image: by MarmaduX
Character Portrait image: by Paul Mafayon


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