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Goddess of Magic

Sytys was born of the direct result of spliting Shae & Lyss when they first twisted in conflict. The tendrils that connected the two took form from the Fabric of Aero. Hence, Sytys is part of the Fabric of Aero itself, forever tied to the magic of the universe.  

Symbol of Sytys

A circle with a waving river that travels to the infinite horizon.
by Alex Syler

Followers of Sytys

Being a part of magic itself, there is no official temple to worship her. As she was split between Light & Dark, it is understood that Sytys has no allegiances as her whims are her own. While some may give her praise, it seldom sways her choices on whom to bless in their connection to the Fabric of Aero. Instead, those that show their respects are those that study the intricacies of magic, such as wizards. Though it isn't uncommon for paladins or clerics to do deeds in her name as a showing of gratitude for the abilities bestowed upon them.  

The Order of Sytys

A group of wizards formed the The Order of Sytys as an overseeing body of magic users. They became an authority over magic wielders with ties to the governing bodies of Aethos. While they were founded in Availin City, their reach spans all of Aethos. They often were thought of as enforcers of the Aethos Empire. The fall of the Aethos Empire has muddied their jurisdiction, but none can deny their foothold as a powerful entity in the world and most try to avoid their ire.
Divine Classification
Ancestral God of the Material Plane
Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Exellero
Character Portrait image: by Exellero


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