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Raen Sorn

Prince of Vraythr & Suitor of the Throne

Nobles of Layr Sorn

The Layr (House) gained their nobility through Tylicere Sorn, who was named Nalkeir by the former Queen from Layr Raknik. As Nalkeir, his offspring gained their titles. He had four boys, Thaunis, Berlic, Wylis, and Raen, each became Princes of Vraythr. While the family gained their customary holdings in the southern city of Duncerith from Tylicere's service, the former Nalkeir maintained a foothold in the Queen's City of Vorlum. He knew his time in such a strong position would afford great opportunity for his four sons as suitors to the new Queen.   Having played the game of power as the Nalkeir, Tylicere taught his sons the intricacies of the Queen's court. This made them very good at making the most of their opportunities.   The noble family Sorn has been entrenched as the suitor family to Empress Laceene Serrifan for six years. The tie between Layrs appears strong and the prospect of retaining the queen's interests for a long period is good. Four viable brothers head the family, which quenches her thirst when her tastes wane from one suitor to another.  

The Karlyn Insurrection

Layr Serrifan holds the current royal Crowns. Members within Empress Laceene Serrifan's Layr divided over her ideas and goals regarding the ancient lost civilization of Khoth. Her aunt Karlyn, the Urz Crown, rallied those that opposed her. Two Vas Crowns, three Yys Crowns joined the cause as they allied with former enemies of their Layr and a faction of the forgotten Illunythr.   The civil war lasted nearly a century. A secret assault of the Citadel of Morth, the insurrectionists' fortress, lead by Layr Sorn brought an end to the conflict. This defeat of her enemies gained Layr Sorn the Queen's favor. While Thaunis orchestrated the plan, Raen was the instrument that brought them victory.  

Festering Reward

Raen brought Empress Laceene the head of her aunt. This act immediately lit her desire for Raen. Berlic & Wylis brought bags with the heads of the other traitor Crowns. Thaunis announced to the Empress his Layr's ultimate victory was under his guidance.   She could tell that Raen had not reliquished the head from the moment of ending her life; it was his trophy to present to his Queen. It was curious to her that Thaunis engineered such a move, but left the most important aspect to his youngest brother. He must have recognized Raen as their greatest warrior. This made her want Raen even more.   "Let it be known, Layr Sorn shall be tied to the Serrifan Crown. Thaunis Sorn, I name thee Suitor of the Throne." She eyed Raen and his tightened grip on his trophy. "Unless there is objection?" It was an open invitation for Raen to challenge.   Thaunis looked back at Raen with surprise, anger, and a hint of fear. Thaunis had told his brothers prior to enacting the plan, that they would each show strong positions this day and that they should not forget that he put them there. Raen felt the Queen's pull. He wanted her, but he knew in challenging his brother, he would be challenging all his brothers and fracturing his Layr. He bowed his head to Thaunis.   A victory feast was had. The royal table was seated to both the Serrifan Crowns & Layr Sorn. The heads of the traitors were placed at their former seats at the table during the meal.  
The Queen began to view Raen as the perfect suitor; he understood the value of retaining the strength of his Layr, even if it cost him personal goals. She didn't expect him to play the game so well. Unfortunately, she had named Thaunis as suitor and had to uphold her word. She couldn't faulter on a choice publicly following an insurrection. She would make Raen pay for making her wait.   Thaunis had luck on his side as he landed an heir with the Queen in that one night. Over time, the Queen would move on to the other brothers for her entertainment. She watched Raen's reactions as she kissed his brothers. Raen's jealousy was palpable. His passion for her was a burning flame that she stoked at will. Her lust for Raen also grew. After her family betrayed her, loyalty was paramount. And Raen was showing the greatest loyalty to family imaginable.
by Yana Vaseva


Raen resides in Vorlum with his brothers and niece, the current heir to the throne. As his family's greatest warrior, he is charged to help protect and train the young heir. Meanwhile, he patiently awaits the command of his Empress, and hopes for his moment to be choosen as Suitor of the Throne.  
by Yana Vaseva
Black with Dark-Blue Irises, Pupils with Reflective White Eye Shine
Black as Darkness
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Gray
5' 9"

Cover image: by Yana Vaseva
Character Portrait image: by Yana Vaseva


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