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Gnomish Pantheon

Gnomes are a creation of Dryope and therefore their primary deity is the goddess of nature. However, in knowing Dryope is as untameable as nature, Gnomes often pray or worship beings under Dryope's control to influence the goddess in their favor. Typically, this communion is focused toward dryads, more specifically the Dryads of the Weather Wood. Many gnomes are unable to tell the difference between the different dryads and simply refer to any dryad as whichever embodiment they are in need of refuge. Most dryads sense the similar ancestry shared between the creatures of Dryope and are willing to commune in peace. Alternatively, if there is a weather wood tree or sprout present, gnomes will often pray directly to it knowing its deep connection to Dryope.  

Dryads of the Weather Wood

Dryope dug her fingers deep into the soil of Aernoch and broke her arm from her body. With the touch of Shae & Lyss the arm rooted and grew into the first great tree of Aernoch. Over time the tree sprouted different blooms for each season, a constant image of adaptation. It could sense the change in the weather and bloomed accordingly in preparation. For this, it was called The Weather Wood.   From The Weather Wood, Dryope birthed the first eight dryads. They were Alnus, Betula, Cornus, Drys, Carya, Fraxinus, Acer, and Picea. Together with Dryope, Shae, and Lyss, these dryads spread their seed across Aernoch and made forests and birthed more dryads. The Dryads of the Weather Wood also traveled great distances through rooting portals within The Weather Wood. A sprout of The Weather Wood would grow at the desired location if there wasn't already a weather wood tree present. Eventually, the eight dryads returned to the Arm of Dryope and remained there for its protection. Occasionally, they venture back out into the world on Dryope's command, but this rarity is why weather wood trees are very hard to find.  


Ancestral God of the Material, Goddess of Nature

by Piotr Dura

Dryads of the Weather Wood

  • Drys — birthed oak trees, embodies honor, nobility, & wisdom
  • Fraxinus — birthed ash trees, embodies life & soul
  • Alnus — birthed alder trees, embodies strength & protection
  • Carya — birthed hickory trees, embodies toughness & endurance
  • Acer — birthed maple trees, embodies patience & tolerance
  • Cornus — birthed dogwood trees, embodies passion, & desire
  • Picea — birthed spruce trees, embodies fertility & nativity
  • Betula — birthed birch trees, embodies rebirth & new beginnings
    by Yasu Matsuoka
    by Yasu Matsuoka

    Cover image: by Exellero


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