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Margok Benvik

Leader of Fate's Fortune

A Half-Orc that came from nothing and learned the ropes of being a thief and fence in the city of Kynsham . Eventually, Margok became descent at his craft, though his real skill was in connections. One day he was approached by an elf that offered a great sum of money for him to set up a contract with The Dark Thorn to kill an elf family named Galanodel in Kynsham. He accomplished his task and used the small fortune to begin his own Thieves Guild, Fate's Fortune.   His guild grew to be very lucrative. He thoroughly enjoyed being one of the premiere criminal organizations in Kynsham. Some of his best acquisitions would come from his young elven protégé, Darion Varrs . Being the top thieves guild in such a large city brought dangers as a rival hired The Dark Thorn to kill Margok. The assassin failed, and Margok approached his contact in The Dark Thorn in anger, to find the culprit. The contact would not divulge any information and Margok ended up killing them. Desperate to learn the contract details, he enlisted Darion to steal the Dark Thorn's Kynsham ledger. Although he had built trust with Darion, who at this time was the best thief in the city, Margok refrained from telling Darion whom he was stealing from.   Darion was caught in his attempt, but instead of killing him, The Dark Thorn persuaded him to join their ranks. They revealed that Margok was the one who hired his now dead contact to murder Darion's parents. Framing the recent incidents as Margok's paranoia getting the best of him as he worried that Darion would soon over-throw him in Fate's Fortune. Therefore, he sent Darion to his death on the mission for the ledger, as well as covered his tracks with the killing of his contact. Darion vowed vengeance against Margok and Fate's Fortune. The assassin guild trained Darion as one of their own.   Fate's Fortune began its decline with Darion working from within to sabotage its works. The final day of the guild arrived in a fiery onslaught. Darion confronted Margok, defeated him, and revealed his family name. Margok recognized it instantly and understood the grounds of Darion's betrayal. He told him of the elf that actually issued the contract on his parents, that the assassins were just using Darion to enact revenge on him. Margok then yielded his life to Darion, but Darion chose not to kill his former mentor. The Dark Thorn watching from the shadows, quickly killed Margok, then turned their attention to the defiant Darion Varrs .
1100 AS 1155 AS 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by The Dark Thorn.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Alex Syler
Character Portrait image: by Dave Rapoza


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