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Rrath of Kragorstaz

A towering half-orc that is constantly balancing his human & orc blood. To press him too far might result in the certain separation of your head from your shoulders courtesy of his mighty glaive.  


A hulking, terror of a light green half-orc. Tusks protrude from his large maw. Black hair shaved on the sides, but long and typically pulled back (commonly braided or simply tied to a tribal-tail). Piercing yellow eyes. A large roaring bear tattooed on his right arm and large eagle on his left. An outstretched paw & wing from each cross the top of his chest to touch in his center.   He wears a mix of fur and feathers on his shoulders tied with a small rope with fangs centrally displayed around his neck. A single leather strap diagonally crosses his bare torso, belted simple dark-orange pants, studded leather boots, and twin handaxes on hips round out his look, which is overshadowed by the enormous tribal glaive in his grasp.  

Early Years

Rrath called the Orcish village of Morkazik home growing up. He was the oldest son of Thokk the Breaker of Clan Kragorstaz, who was the leader of the entire enclave. Thokk began to groom Rrath to one day become chief.   While he was the oldest of Thokk, he had a human older brother named Oryn Hawthorne. His half-brother was the only pure human child in the enclave. Rrath wasn't very fond of his brother growing up. The two had a sibling rivalry. Oryn wanted desperately to prove he was strong enough to be among his half-orc family, while Rrath wanted to never allow the "weaker" human to out perform him.  

Boaring Brothers

One day, the young teens Oryn & Rrath were out hunting a boar. Rrath stumbled in his attempt to be the one who skewered the animal, leaving the opportunity to Oryn, who took advantage of his moment. In embarrassment, Rrath lashed out in anger. The two began to fight, but Rrath was already vastly stronger at this age. Rrath planted himself still and allowed Oryn to hit him. With each strike, Rrath just smiled, which only fueled Oryn's anger. "You just can't stand the thought that I might be better than you at something," Oryn grumbled.   Swing after swing, the drained human teen tried to define himself, but the half-orc stayed steady as if realizing he was made of stone. "You're nothing more than a blot on our clan."   "You're nothing more than a pickled horse," Oryn's futile punches slowed to a stop.   "If you're so great, then you can carry the boar... human," Rrath walked away toward home.   Oryn collapsed. After several minutes of resignation, Oryn began to rise. A shuffling stone caught his ear. Believing his brother had returned, Oryn looked toward the rock perch to see a hunched and poised hyena. Its aciculate teeth came to bare with a growing slaver. Another hyena arose from the crest, then more from behind trees to Oryn's left & right.  
by Stephen Crowe
He lifted his sword, fearful of what appeared to be his demise. A growl motioned from behind him, he spun and slashed the attacking hyena. The creature deflected to his side, but another lept and clawed his leg. Oryn tossed the beast away as he swung his blade wildly to deter the others, but they snarled and charged.   The young human parried two attacks in time to see the jaws of a third separate for a savage bite at his face, but the vicious chomp of the creature was redirected as it suddenly flung away. Rrath emerged in its place and let out a guttural roar as he violently whipped his hand axe at the advancing hyenas.   More members of the pack lept from unseen positions. Rrath was becoming overrun, but Oryn rallied to his brother and saved him from a grusome end. The two nodded to each other with renewed vigor. Rrath & Oryn held their ground back to back and cut down the hungry monsters together.   As the last hyenas retreated, the two brothers rested upon the boar that began their initial squabble. Exhausted and bloodied the two shared a look of pure, humble gratitude. "Blot?" Oryn smirked.   "Pickled horse?" Rrath returned. The brothers laughed. From that moment on, they were inseparable.  

Champion of Shae

On the night of Nimern, the Winter Solstice, of 1240 AS, a great earthquake from Zilvren shook the enclave. The tribe looked to the mountain where a small beam of light shot out from its face racing toward the sky. From the beam's origin through the stone surface, rock and snow rolled down the mountain slope. The sliding avalanche built in its descent toward the enclave. Its people helpless in the oncoming disaster.   The beam altered its course, doubling back to the enclave. It streaked down and landed at the edge of the enclave at the base of the mountain. It was a beautiful, glowing feminine humanoid creature. It looked at the doomed folk with apologetic saddness, then turned to face the coming rubble. She raised her arms and a grand radiant force illuminated from her being. After a long moment of strength, her light slowed the brunt of the avalanche. As her light faded, only small debris reached the enclave.   No longer glowing with light, her form was now distinguishable as she fell to her knees. Her long hair was a lush, deep, velvet green, as were her eyes and wisping silk clothing. Translucent wings, much like a dragonfly, extended from her back. Her skin was a light mint green with shadowings of blues and violet. Undoubtedly, this was a creature of the Everday.   The witnessing tribe kept their distance, save one. Oryn ran to the fallen being. "Are you ok?"   "Thank you, for your compassion," she spoke with a light wisping voice with misplaced syllabic emphasis as if remembering the language. Oryn helped her to stand, and brought her toward the grateful gathered tribe. "My apologies. In completing my task for my goddess, I was almost your village's end."  
Thokk stepped forward, "Who are you?"   "I am Sneyt, a Sylph of Everday," she looked at her hands and arms puzzled, as if seeing them for the first time. "My light has faded. I no longer have the strength to return to my realm. I shall perish."   "You sacrificed yourself for our tribe?" Oryn asked.   "It was the only way. I..." she lifted her head as if she heard something above her. "Yes, my goddess. I choose to gift," Sneyt gave a bow of reverence, then returned her gaze to the crowd. "My goddess wishes to address you." Her body lifted from the ground and exuded a soft light as her glow returned. With sudden white eyes, her expression turned emotionless & distant.   With clear and exact pronunciation, a full and soothing tone emerged from the levitating Sylph, "Of light, to thee, I speak. I am One of Two, mother, and sister. I am Light. I am knowledge. I am Shae of Aero."
A Sylph of the Everday
by Jessie
  The tribe gasped as the voice of Shae continued, "A child of Shadow rends its cage. I seek a champion for the coming storm. This faithful creature has chosen to gift her remaining light. Who among you shall take the oath and champion this land?"   Thokk began to raise his head to speak, but Rrath quickly stepped in front of his father, "I am Rrath, son of Thokk. One of our mightiest warriors." Thokk grinned with pride at his oldest.   The floating being looked upon the half-orc. "You wield great strength, Rrath, son of Thokk." She reached out her hand, then retracted as if she was interrupted. Shae turned her gaze to Oryn. "The Sylph has chosen this one."   "Me?" Oryn motioned to his brother in disbelief. "My brother is the better warrior, goddess."   "Your compassion gives you strength. Will you pledge yourself to me?"   He hesitantly looked to Rrath. Surprisingly, his brother gave an approving nod. "Yes. I will pledge."   Her light brought itself to a fervor with a rising, pressing presence that fell Oryn to one knee. "My light to guide. You are one of Light."   "Your light to guide. I am one of Light." Shae continued to speak. Oryn, in a newfound connection, began to speak with her simultaneously. "I am your instrument against Shadow. I am a helper of the weak, protector of truth, & seeker of Knowledge. O Light, I am your guard." The Sylph slowly lowered to the ground lifeless. The light that had shown so bright subsided, but its retracted origin was now from Oryn.   While no one really understood what had transpired that night, the tribe knew they were saved by the goddess and began to worship her over other gods. Soon after, Oryn began to exude powers he didn't understand. He journeyed to Rockmount with Rrath to discover more about his gift.  

Rockmount Call to Arms (Jassy 1241)

    The enclave typically sent traders to Rockmount twice a year to exchange pelts for goods. Rrath & Oryn volunteered to make the trip after Oryn had began exhibiting strange abilities following their encounter with the goddess Shae. The two hoped that someone at the Temple of Shae would be able to explain more about Oryn's gift.     At the temple, Oryn spoke to a priest of Shae, who informed him that while many paladins of Shae performed service to Shae, there hadn't been a Champion of Shae in generations. This annointing is one of high honor and leads the forces of Light against the greatest of evils, but there hasn't been a worldly crisis since the war that forged the Empire... that Oryn must be mistaken.
by Exellero
As the Oryn & his brother concluded their business in the city, a large gathering formed as one of the Dukes of Garyk addressed the people along side a dwarf of Zilvren. They asked for volunteers to reform the Zilvren Army and retake the Silver City from a horde of goblins. The regular army was away at another crisis; however, this was considered critical enough that the rest of the city guard and any able-bodied fighter were asked to go. Rrath & Oryn volunteered to fight and sent word to their enclave for any that wanted to help.  

Silver City Soldiers

by Grafit Studio
  Being thrust into the world of humans and dwarves was not easy for Rrath as he held many physical features of an orc, which were considered a cousin of the attaking goblins. For many years, Rrath protected his human brother from the harshness of their orc-like tribe, but their roles were suddenly reversed. Rrath found it difficult to keep his orc blood in check at times as the outsider. Through the influence of his brother, Rrath sought to not give into his rage. He leaned on the totem spirits of the bear (spirit animal of his father) and the eagle (spirit animal of his mother).   The brothers endured the cruelty of war as they helped retake Zilvren City, and fortified its defenses until the goblin army was finally cut off from where they entered. It was a long and grueling process that took months. Over the course of this time, their fellow soldiers grew to respect Oryn & Rrath.
While many of the volunteer army returned home after the initial threat to the city was dealt with, Rrath, Oryn, and most of their unit remained to help secure the outer settlements away from the city.  

The Journey Home

After the better part of three years, the human portion of the Zilvren army was officially retired. The brothers returned home, but maintained contact with their soldier friends in Rockmount. They often traveled to the city and did work with the group that lasted months at a time. After one such stretch, the brothers returned home to find their mother had fallen ill.   She had contracted an orc disease which was extremely rare for a human to get. Shae replied to Oryn’s prayers and informed him that the disease remained from ancient times when it was used as a way to attack orcs. While there’s no cure for orcs, it was possible to cure their human mother. They would need to retrieve the blood of a yonich (YO-nich) or a dragon, both were extremely rare to find.   With resentment of Oryn gaining the power of Shae over Rrath, upon the word of Oryn on his mother's sickness, Thokk banished Oryn from the tribe. Rrath left with Oryn in hopes to find a cure for their mother.  

Mercenaries of Rockmount

  Desperate to find the cure for their languid mother. The brothers rejoined their friends in Rockmount, who called themselves the Silver Soldiers, and constantly threw themselves at dangers in hope to cross paths with the creatures they sought.
by Nicola Pace
by SteveSketches
Date of Birth
25th of Dhekthor
Year of Birth
1221 AS 28 Years old
Piercing Yellow
Orc Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
260 lbs (118 Kg)
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Eepox
Character Portrait image: by Tomasz Chistowski


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