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The Order of Sytys

Founded and sanctioned by the 1st Emperor of the Aethos Empire.

  The Order of Sytys is a group of wizards, mostly human, that act as judges and enforce the law with emphasis in matters pertaining to magic. They are keepers of knowledge and experts in the arcane. Magic is a science to them, and they are the scientists. As enforcers of the law, gate keepers of the arcane, & magitrates of magic, they are often viewed as harsh individuals.   The fall of the Aethos Empire has muddied their jurisdiction, but none can deny their foothold as a powerful entity in the world and most try to avoid their ire. Often the group clashes with the Elves of Moonstone Towers over jurisdiction, allowance, and applicability of magic, enchanted items, and the arcane. Unfortunately, over the years a few members have made questionable decisions that have painted the Order in a more negative light, but there are many within the organization that still uphold the values of which it was founded.  


  Master — the wisest of the Order, they preside over highborn and state issues and advise the Emperor and Assemblage on matters of law & magic. Some still preside over city issues when a Palestrae is unavailable, but most remain focused on larger matters as well as the infrastructure of the Order itself.   Palestrae — these handle most city level issues and preside on these matters in court. Given the size of a city, multiple Palestraes share duties and rotate their time   Arkyn — these are newcomers of the Order. They are often aids to Palestraes as they learn how to be a good member of the Order. Over time, their duties within the Order may grow and they may lead other Arkyn in tasks within the Order, these are referred to as Crest Arkyn.  

Day of Brocdan — Yearly Practice

  The Order requires its members to spend a day without magic and magic items and gather in the baths to meet each other equally to discuss the direction of the Order and Magic in general. Also, the meeting helps members get to know or identify new members, and to discuss who is impressing to move up the ranks.
Founding Date
1004 AS
Notable Members

Cover image: by Alex Syler


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