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Amarel is a complex deity whose perception is split between worshipers. Some Drow Elves(species:29735752-03af-409c-bbcf-7c9ba7817f8c) consider Amarel to be their patron and Queen of the Undead while @[High Elves consider her to be a benevolent deity who heals and protects the weak and needy. In reality Amarel is both of these things and those who commune with her are master healers capable of raising the fallen to defend the needy. Many outside Liadon consider Amarel and the Green Father to be the same.   Amarel appears as a Dark Green plantoid often growing herself from a nearby tree or plant. She rarely comes in person to the Realm of Balance but those that call on her often feel her operating through them. Healers have worshiped Amarel throughout history often channelling their healing magic through her.


Amarel has a range of artefacts to her name though beyond simple enchantment she primarily gives to her most devout followers a taste of Ambrosia, a sweet tasting drink that restores the vitality of any who consumes it to the height of their being. Often this is given as a single portion in a cup made from a leaf or a small clay jug. In either case those that have drank Ambrosia swear by its power and wonder which can cure any ailment and make those days from death once more alive.   Necromancers also swear by the Crown of Splinters said to have been made from the bones of an ancient beast that dared mock Amarel and claim her place as master of the dead. Those that wear the Crown are said to have power over the dead greater than any other living force. The location of the crown is greatly contested with some alleging it was possessed by the Wight King before his disappearance and others claiming it was split into 27 splinters and scattered across the realm. In either case owning even a single splinter would give great power to any who hold it.

Holy Books & Codes

While there are no holy texts in the Ederic Faith beside the spoken tales of the deities those that follow Amarel often keep a copy of the Liber Sanitalis on their person which is itself an Elven book that details all known cures and ailments to the diseases and afflictions of the world. Most copies of the Liber Sanitalis are filled with assorted notes that are freely shared between the healers of the lands.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: Emerald inside a cocoon

Tenets of Faith

Prayer of Life and Death All Things Must Die, In Time Where There Is More To Do, Allow Life To Continue Where There Is Work Undone, Allow Life To Return Where All Is Finished, Allow Life to Depart Funeral Rights Worshipers of Amarel have open funerals where their bodies are placed upon altars of wood often decorated in plants and leaves. Here they are left to the elements to decompose or be otherwise consumed by the creatures of the wilds. It is believed that by leaving them open in the world then Amarel may choose to restore the dead worshiper to life before her other kin consume them.


The Feast Day of Amar:   Celebrated on the 15th day of Amar the feast day celebrates life and its patron deity. The customs of the day include:
  • Pregnant Women are brought gifts as offerings to Amarel with the citizens attending to their every need
  • Non-Pregnant Married Women are given gifts by their husbands and treated to a day of joy
  • Non-Pregnant Unmarried Women are given flowers by suitors and are given a special table in their feast where they may request anyone join them
  • Children throw flowers around the village

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Amarel appears as a Dark Green plantoid often growing herself from a nearby tree or plant



Amarel has a soft and gentle tone of voice like a calming melody that relaxes and soothes those she speaks to.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mother Earth,
Queen of the Undead,
Mother of Gods
Of green leaves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green as if the skin of a plant
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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