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Material Characteristics

Arcanum is most often found in a crystalline form though once melted will remain a liquid in perpetuity. It is this liquid form that is most commonly seen either in the form of arcanum potions or the liquid Arcanum within the blood of most sapient species in Aesalia.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Arcanum possesses the ability to alter the properties in the natural world and perform feats of magic. The use of magic depletes the innate arcanum reserves within an individuals blood though the use of arcanum potions or the presence of crystals shaped or altered to act as conduits allows more advanced and complex magic to be produced.

Geology & Geography

Arcanum tends to be found underground and most often in the Durundar Mountains though above land mines have been found in a few examples. Significant arcanum reserves can most easily be found in areas of enhanced magical properties such as the Faeywild which sits on a significant reserve and the Shadowfell.


Elemental / Molecular
Salty and Electrifying
Twisting Blue
Melting / Freezing Point
2000 Degrees Celsius
Common State

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