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Created to be stewards of the woods to manage and protect the grasslands for their dragon masters Firbolg’s are an isolationist people who rarely communicate with the outside world. Existing still in assorted woodlands, often in small communities, Firbolg preserve and protect wildlife around them often driving out adventurers and onlookers through peaceful means if possible.   Firbolg often use deception and trickery to deter interlopers but are willing to use force to protect their woods if necessary. When beyond the woods they often take the form of humans to better infiltrate society but are willing to reveal their nature to those they trust. Firbolg show ruthlessness to those who seek to harm nature even when beyond the tribe.

Basic Information


Firbolgs possess a standard humanoid shape but in exaggerated proportions standing over 3m tall but with the power to slightly reduce this as needed to disguise among others. Firbolg's have long elf-like ears and widen noses that are often reddish in tint. Their features are gentle and soft often calming those who approach them and making those unaware of the species suspect them of being simple of mind. The entirety of a Firbolg's body is covered in fur which has a soft feeling when touched and is often a mute colour such as grey or brown.

Genetics and Reproduction

Firbolg reproduce through sexual reproduction and can do so with any other mer producing taller offspring most often of the other parents species due to the recessive nature of Firbolg genes. Firbolg vagina's consist of two ovaries that are simultaneously in use during pregnancy as Firbolg's are always born as twins, one of each sex. Gestation lasts eight months ending in a live birth that usually takes around twelve hours from contractions to birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Firbolg reach adolescence at thirty years and live lives of around five centuries in length. Their youth has two phases Calf and Shepherding.   In the calf stage lasting until their tenth birthday they experience a gradual development of their body, unlike other mer Firbolg spend the first decade of their life only half-sapient living similar to an animal with no developed grasp of speech or higher function. Their bodies reach their full size but Firbolg calves tend to move on all fours communicating through 'mooing' noises or basic sign language to other Firbolg.    In the Shepherding phase which lasts around twenty years they experience the development of their mental faculties. This begins with an increasingly intuitive and complex mastery of sign language before developing into vocal speech faculties grasping the language of their clan. This communication stage usually lasts around four years after which more complex ideas and an understanding of identity begins to flourish. This general self-awareness continues until they are around twenty-eight years old when the final stage of their shepherding begins and they begin to develop an innate understanding of their place within the harmony of nature, in this final phase their sense of individuality is reduced to a natural communal awareness that defines their societal outlooks moving forward.

Biological Cycle

Firbolg's react to their environment and tend to adopt elements of the local animals lives. This can include hibernation during winter months, migrating between seasons or malting fur and hair at certain times of the year.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Firbolg's were created to serve as shepherds of the forest and as such are naturally gifted in magic and interaction with animals. They can easily alter their form to appear less or more threatening as needed and have a natural understanding of the thoughts and feelings of the natural world.
Scientific Name
Sovok Yikhhe Siyaeq
480-550 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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