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There are three forms of ghosts in Aesalia and neither is considered more kind than another.    The first and most common type of ghost is born from the use of magic to prevent a spirit leaving the Realm of Balance upon death. As such it remains as a ghost bound to the Ethereal Plane but able to return to the physical plane it once dwelt upon. In the Ethereal Plane these ghosts have free movement allowing them to travel as they wish but in the physical plane they are bound within an area usually by an object used in the ritual that bound them to unlife. The destruction of this object will usually free the ghost but the being itself is rarely aware of what the object is.   Of these ghosts some are through a particularly cruel ritual turned into Banshees. Horrifying monsters bound to a place forever tormenting those nearby particularly if any of them should remind it of its prior life. More than other ghosts Banshee’s are prone to forgetting their ghostly nature and can enter feral rages when reminded that can echo on generations of torment to the unfortunate local that dared remind it of the truth.   The second form is by killing a being whose spirit, but not physical form, is in the Ethereal Plane. While these ghosts are unable to return to the physical plane without magical aid they wonder the Ethereal Plane perpetually. Many are vengeful and will attack and seek to possess wanderers that traverse the plane while others offer guidance from what they have seen hoping the kindness of a mortal may be swayed to find a way to free them.   The third type of ghost is one who possess a deep desire to remain within their realm refusing to move on to the afterlife. These ghosts are often short lived and hold on to hope their companions, loved ones or other heroes may succeed in returning them to life and should that prove unsuccessful accept their fate, or lose their ability to resist the inevitable, and depart to the next world. These ghosts are often the most peaceful and kind seeking no harm against their foes.

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