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High Driest Harmindel

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is recorded of Harmindel's youth only that he arose dramatically to power in the court of the Ashen Ascendency around the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century of the First Age where Queen Atheral took him for a lover. His presence caused significant friction with nearby realms due to his zealous supremacist views that saw the Ash Elves seek active dominion over the other realms of the land.    By the 20th century of the First Age Harmindel reigned as effect regent of the Ashen Ascendency governing all foreign policy and using a web of spies and Driest's to enforce his will on the court. With his position strengthened he began the Ashen Interventions using the Sons of Akathar to destabilise the former Zarosk region.


Harmindel rose to the rank of High Driest surprisingly early in life. Though the exact measure of his rise is undocumented his later actions suggest blackmail and extortion as likely actions. As High Driest he was the most senior clergyman in the state, a position which allowed him to covertly gear control acting as effective regent of the entire Ascendency.

Morality & Philosophy

Harmindel is an ardent elven supremacist who believes that society should be prepared for the return of the Draconic Imperium or 'old masters'. To this end he seeks the enslavement of all others beneath elven rule who can properly manage and prepare them for the return of the dragons.
Year of Birth
1329 1E 592 Years old
Ashen Ascendency
Cult of the Dragons
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Elvish & Draconic

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