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Law and Order in the Falaran Empire

The Laws of the Falaran Empire are largely consistent across the land with execution of laws performed by Reeves or the Nobility governing over the local territory. Crimes are brought before a trial before which sits either a single or odd number of judges dependent on the severity of the case whose decision is considered final. Though most areas of law are managed by the state the Falaran Tathamite Church also possesses Clerical Laws which are considered equal in significance and in which the church enforces, judges and punishes accordingly.   Crimes are assigned a suggested and standard punishment which is recommended across the land but a judge may issues punishments at their discretion. Where nobility commit crimes the death penalty is often chosen in place of the usual punishment where guilt is confirmed to ensure that the noble class is cleansed of the criminality. Similarly in cases of repeat offenses slavery and death are often employed as punishment as a means of removing the repeat offender from society. Unless specifically ordered by the judge all punishments are enacted publicly.   Falaran customs view prison as a fundamental wrong and morally abhorrent leading to various forms of mutilation and physical harm being employed in its place. Slavery is however kept as a punishment for severe cases of criminality though this often comes with either an assigned period of servitude or conditions upon which the slave is to be released.   Common Types of Punishment:
  • Amputation
  • Capital Punishment
  • Slavery
  • Lashing
  • Castration
  • Emasculation
  • Fine
Crime Punishment Details
Capital Crimes
Treason Death
Failure to report treasonous activity Death
Violent Crime
Assault / Battery Lashing Degree and quantity determined by severity of the victims wounds
Aggravated Assault Lashing, Branding, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of the victims wounds
 Brand indicating a violent crime was committed is marked in a visual place
 Dependent on trial amputation may range from trigger / bow fingers or dominant hand
Manslaughter: Involuntary Lashing, Death Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of neglectful activity that led to death 
 In case of victim being important to state, death is chosen
Manslaughter: Voluntary Death Often Quick
Murder: First Degree Death
Murder: Second Degree Death
Homicide Death
Financial Crime
Bribery Fine, Brand, Lashing, Amputation Fine is double the value of the bribe 
 Brand indicating a financial crime was committed is marked in a visual place 
 In minor bribery cases victim receives lashes to a degree and quantity of which is determined by the scale and severity of the bribe 
 In major bribery cases fingers may be amputated
Fraud Brand, Lashing, Amputation Brand indicating a financial crime was committed is marked in a visual place
 Degree and quantity of lashings determined by the severity of the fraudulent behaviour
 Amputation of tongue or fingers used on second and subsequent offences
Tax Evasion Fine, Slavery, Brand, Lashing Fine is double in value to tax evaded
If the perpetrator cannot pay the fine they will be sold or used as a slave to earn the lost funds
Brand indicating a financial crime was committed is marked in a visual place 
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of evasion
Insurance Fraud Fine, Brand, Slavery, Amputation Fine is tripple in value to fraud
 If the perpetrator cannot pay the fine they will be offered as slaves to the defrauded party
Brand indicating a financial crime was committed is marked in a visual place
On a second or a single serious offence the tongue is amputated
Embezzlement Fine, Brand, Amputation Fine is triple in value to embezzlement
Brand indicating a financial crime was committed is marked in a visual place
On the second offence, failure to pay fine, or a single major offence up to three fingers are removed from the dominant hand
Racketeering Fine, Lashing Fine is double in value to property used for racketeering
 Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of fraudulent behaviour
Money Laundering Fine, Lashing Fine is double in value to laundered funds
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of fraudulent behaviour
Smuggling Fine, Brand, Amputation Fine is double the value of the smuggled goods 
Brand of a smuggler marked in a visible place
Two fingers removed for each offence from the dominant hand
Shoplifting Amputation Removal of a single finger
Theft Amputation Removal of a single finger
Robbery Amputation, Brand Removal of two fingers
Brand indicating a violent crime is marked in a visible place
Burglary  Amputation, Brand, Lashing Removal of two fingers
Brand indicating a violent crime is marked in a visible place
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by quantity stolen
Kidnapping Amputation, Brand, Slavery Removal of dominant hand
Brand indicating a kidnapper is marked in a visible place
Offered as a slave to the victims family or sold on their refusal
Extortion Amputation, Lashing Removal of tongue 
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of extortion
Identity Theft Brand, Amputation, Slavery Removal of Tongue
Brand indicating a charlatan is marked in a visible place
Offered as a slave to the victim or sold on their refusal
Illegal Substances
Drug Possession Lashing Degree and quantity of lashings determined by quantity and classification of narcotics
Drug Manufacturing and Cultivation Brand, Lashing Brand of a smuggler is marked in a visible place
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by quantity and classification of narcotics
Drug Trafficking / Distribution Brand, Lashing Brand of a smuggler is marked in a visible place
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by quantity and classification of narcotics
Drunk and Disorderly Lashing Degree and quantity of lashing determined by degree of conduct
Sexual Crimes
Public Prostitution Fine, Lashing Up to 5 lashings based on degree of publicity
Fine at a minimum of 100sp
Rape Emasculation, Brand Removal of all male genitals or sealing of vagina with thread
Brand of a rapist is marked in a visible place
Sexual Assault Castration, Brand Removal of testicles of sealing of vagina with thread
Brand of a sexual deviant in a visible place
Indecent Exposure Lashing, Brand Degree and quantity of lashings determined by degree of conduct
Brand of a sexual deviant in a visible place
Miscellaneous Crimes
Aiding and Abetting / Accessory Lashing Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of assisted criminal behaviour
Disturbing the Peace Lashing, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of criminal behaviour
Removal of tongue permitted in severe cases
Conspiracy to Commit Lashing Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of criminal behaviour
Attempt to Commit Same as attempted Slavery often employed in place of death where that would be the chosen punishment
Perjury Amputation Tongue is removed
Domestic Violence Lashing, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of violent behaviour
In repeat or major assault cases the dominant hand can be removed
Stalking Brand, Amputation First offence leads to the branding of the mark of a stalker in a visible place
Repeat offence lead to the removal of each eye then the ears
Forgery Fine, Lashing, Amputation Fine of triple the forgeries street value and the value of any illegal equipment and wares
Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of the forgery
Amputation of fingers
Harassment Lashing Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of harassment
Arson Lashing, Brand, Fine, Slavery Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of arson
Brand of an arsonist in a clear visible place
Fine equal in value to damage to property
Slavery on failure to pay the fine
Vandalism Lashing, Brand, Fine Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of vandalism
Brand of a vandal in a clear visible place on repeat offences
Fine equal in value to damage to property
Frontier Crimes
Cattle Rustling Lashing, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of criminal behaviour
Removal of trigger finger
Train Robbery Amputation, Brand Removal of two fingers for each offence including trigger finger of each hand
Brand marking a violent crime in a visible place
Clerical Crime
Heresy Lashing, Brand Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of criminal behaviour
Brand of a heretic in a clear visible place
Possession of Magical Texts Lashing, Fine Degree and quantity of lashings determined by significance and owners awareness of text
Fine equal in value to the text
Illegal Practice of Magic Amputation Removal of three fingers from each hand (Index, Ring, Middle) and tongue
Illegal Teaching of Magic Death
Proselytizing of a Heretical Faith Lashing Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of preaching
Public Proselytizing of a Heretical Faith Lashing, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of preaching
Removal of the tongue
Possession of Other-Worldly Texts Lashing, Fine, Amputation Degree and quantity of lashings determined by significance and owners awareness of text
Fine equal in value to the text
Removal of three fingers from each hand (Index, Ring, Middle) and tongue
Worship of Other-Worldly Beings Lashing, Amputation, Castration Degree and quantity of lashings determined by severity of worshiped entity
Removal of three fingers from each hand (Index, Ring, Middle) and tongue if magical
Genitals removed to prevent heretical religion spreading to any future children
Forming a Compact With an Other-Worldly Being Death
Invitation of Other-Worldly Beings to the Realm of Balance Death

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