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Medusa are a rare creature existing in hidden dens across Aesalia. Many cultures have myths around the birth of these creatures though few show any kindness or mercy. The petrifying gaze of the Medusa mean that they live most often in isolation often contained by their own traps and measures erected by those mer that dwell around them.   The truth of Medusa's origin are the result of a pact made long ago between a Dwarven princess and the Forgotten One. The Princess was due to be wed to a powerful and handsome nobleman but was left ridiculed when he chose instead to offer his hand to her younger sister. Driven mad with jealousy she appealed for any entity that could hear her to make her the most beautiful woman in the world. Perhaps enticed by her desperation or perhaps knowing something unknown to the tale the Forgotten One answered her call and bestowed upon her twelve tablets. As she gazed upon them her form began to distort and shift forming the first Medusa whilst the tablets themselves dissipated into the stone awaiting the call of another who sought beauty above all. Legends among Dwarves claim the princess still lurks within her Thaig ruling her statue kingdom alongside her petrified love and feeding on those young adventurers foolish enough to challenge her.   Medusa are hunted and killed wherever they appear though can often go years before being recognised particularly if they emerge away from common trade routes or leave no survivors in their initial attack. When killed however they are prized for their saliva which is the most effective treatment for petrification being able to de-petrify a victim from a single drop on the victims flesh.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

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