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While Shadar-Kai were oath sworn to the Raven Queen and left ‘unchanged’ by the @Shadowfell it is toxic to any other youth that dare cross its lands. Most dangerous is in conception and childbirth though some speculate shadowkin can be created merely by extended stay on the island.   Shadowkin can be created when babies in the womb , egg, or in early stages of life to the Shadowfell leaving a permanent taint of the area on their own innate arcanum. Shadowkin, improperly treated, eventually become consumed by their power releasing deathly magic that destroys all around it until they are killed but if trained and controlled can become powerful magi in their own right with alterations on the natural power that can send ripples of darkness against their foes.


Several elixirs, secretly, produced by the University of Natural Philosophy have proven successful in supressing the powers of Shadowkin but these required regular consumption with little knowledge as to the long term effects. Magical suppression is often unsuccessful worsening the condition upon its release.

Cultural Reception

While a rarely known and studied phenomenon Shadowkin are considered to be akin to Wild Mages by common folk and are considered a criminal group by the Falaran Tathamite Church who hold their condition punishable by death. Within magical communities however those that know of Shadowkin consider them to be a point of fascination whose powers offer further potential to pushing magic to its limits.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

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