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Tser Pool Vistani Camp

The road gradually disappears and is replaced by a twisted, muddy path through the trees. Deep ruts in the earth are evidence of the comings and going of wagons. The canopy of mist and branches suddenly gives way to black clouds boiling far above. There is a clearing here, next to a river that widens to form a small lake several hundred feet across. Five colourful round tents, each ten feet in diameter, are pitched outside a ring of four barrel-topped wagons. A much larger tent stands near the shore of the lake, it’s sagging form lit from within. Near this tent, eight unbridled horses drink from the river. The mournful strains of an accordian clash with the singing of several brightly clad figures around a bonfire. A footpath continues beyond this encampment, meandering north between the river and the forest’s edge.     As you come close a familiar voice shouts from the camp “My friends you made it! We feared the fog had swallowed you for good!”   The camp is well occupied with twelve Vistani around the fire telling stories and guzzling wine. Some are visibly intoxicated others on the way there. In the distance three Vistani can be seen resting in some of the Wagons and a few children fish by the river. Besides the children eight draft horses drink from the river.


The population of the Tser Pool camp is reguarly changing and shifting as Vistani caravans come and go. The population is rarely over 40 and most oftne closer to twenty but its composition is constantly evolving and changing.


Though technically without government the Vistani look to Madam Eva to mediate disputes and heed her requests and guidance while at the camp. She is a permenant resident at the camp and extremely well respected by those that are present.


Though without any formal defences the ability to enter or leave Barovia has allowed the Vistani at the camp to be compartaively well armed to their peers often possessing comercially avalaible firearms from the outside world.


A permenant fire pit sits in the camp alongside a few permanent caravans in which those Vistani that have settled at the Tser Pool Camp live. The common camping grounds have well trodded dirt paths between them though none of this is formal.

Points of interest

Vasily's Caravan
As you approach the wagon by the side of the camp you see a middle aged Vistani carefully smoothening a wheel. The focus of his rich brown eyes unflinching as you approach. He wears simpler clothes than the other Vistani and has jet black hair.
  • Vasily Groza: Permanent resident and trader at the camp, wares vary with passing caravans but tends to possess a mixture of local and foreign wares.
  • Can sell only with Madam Eva's permission. Will send another vistani to check if PCs claim to have permission.
  • Quest: Asks PCs to buy a puppet from the store in Vallaki and deliver it to his niece Arabelle will give PCs the money for it. Will also give PCs a sealed note for Luvash at the Vallaki camp. Letter if opened calls the PCs dangerous and urges that Count Strahd Von Zarovich be warned of them.
  Madam Eva's Tent   Residents:
  • Madam Eva: An immortal seer who guides adventurers in hopes one will end the curse of her half-brother Count Strahd Von Zarovich.
  • Will perform a Tarokka reading showing the PCs fated ally, fated location to fight Strahd and the location of the items.
  • Can provide guidance of PCs are unsure where else to go


The camp is colourful and joyous amdist the drab surounding. No creatures or threats come to the camp which is under Count Strahd Von Zarovich's protection.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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