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Madam Eva

Madam Eva is a Vistana matriarch and leader of the Tser Falls Camp. One of the most acclaimed seers of the Vistani able to use Tarokka Cards with such skill that items and people could be found. She spent almost her entire life within Barovia leaving only before the fog rose after which she travelled between Vistani camps.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Madam Eva is an extremely talented Vistana seer able to perceive alarming accuracy and insight from her tarokka. Many adventurers, and perhaps scandalously members of Strahd's court, have come to seek her wisdom and learn what their future entails.    Aside this Eva is also a talented wizard who has used her powers throughout her long life to repel those villagers that seek to punish her camp for the crimes of their sovereign.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eva was born Katarina Castra to a prominent Vistani family. Though her mother was known the identity of her father was a close kept secret due to his esteem as King Barov Zarovich. Katarina herself was only told this once she had reached adolescence though memories still dwelt in her mind of 'royal visits' by the King to her caravan when it passed by his court where she was oft given gifts far nicer than those of the other children.   As she grew up Katarina showed great promise as a diviner able to wield the fabled 'sight' of the Vistani to great effect. Soon earning a name for herself King Barov called her to be a representative of her people in his court. Only sixteen her life in the court would teach her much of the intrigues of the land while giving her a chance to meet her siblings Strahd and Sergei Zarovich. Though not officially acknowledged Katarina would eventually disclose her identity to Sergei who made her swear to keep it a secret from their older brother and heir apparent Strahd.   Katarina left the court at the age of twenty four shortly after Sergei left to war with the now King Strahd choosing a different Vistani to be his representative. Returning to her people Katarina would go on her final caravan beyond the valley to meet her husband Stefan Bosha. By the time of their return Katarina was already with child giving birth only two months after their arrival to the Tser Falls Camp. Wishing for her child to have a similar experience in court Katarina wrote to Sergei asking for him to be given tutorship in court. Her half-brother, though weary, agreed to discuss it on his return and so Katarina remained in the camp taking leadership of it soon after.   On Sergei's return the topic was discussed with the agreement her child would be taken as his squire on his sixteenth name day that he might also see the court as she had with his heritage revealed on condition he renounce any claim to the crown. Katarina agreed yet when the fog fell and Sergei died a new fear emerged. Fearful Strahd knew the truth and might seek to kill her child as a potential threat to his crown her husband left the valley with their child. Katarina refused to join them seeing in the tarokka that her half-brother was seduced by a dark power and that she was destined to find the heroes that might save him.   Bound by her new destiny Katarina sought out the Baba Lysaga that dwelt within the valley and exchanged a great deal of her royal blood for her soul to be bound to Strahd's that neither should know true death while the other's soul still lingered in the valley. She changed her name to Eva and taking the Vistani title of Madam began her knew life.   Since then she has guided those who seek to end the Curse of Strahd. Reading in the tarokka and guiding in the cards the heroes to where they might find the tools and allies to help them achieve their sacred aim.
Current Location
Current Residence
Tser Falls Camp
She / Her
Cult of the Forgotten One
Known Languages
Common, Thieves Cant, Elvish & Halfspeech
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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