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Contesting her rule of Shedaklah with Juiblex the Demon Queen of Fungi is a monstrous aberration that takes the form of a woman made of moss and fungal infestations. Where she moves fungus grows behind her and those creatures in her presence feel their bodies attacked by invisible spoors that seek to seize control of their minds and husks to become another of her thralls.   Zuggtmoy's creation is a point of great contention with some believing she emerged when the Green Father attempted to bring fungus into the Abyss only for the demonic ichor to corrupt them before they can grow. It is said from these first fungi that Zuggtmoy came into being and has in her wake left trails of Fungi across the Abyss. Yet whether the Green Father still offers his favour to the Queen of Spores remains a mystery.   Zuggtmoy knows well of the Fungi that grow in other realms and that they too have gained sentience in the realm of balance. She would see herself as the overlord of all Fungi on all realms and use them to control the realms. Warlock's who make pacts with Zuggtmoy often start as Druids seeking aid at a desperate time when the Green Father seems silent. Her actions do not seem cruel or evil yet she has no regard for non-fungal life and considers any fungi not bowing before her to be her enemy.
Divine Classification
Demon Patron
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Demon Lord, Lady of Fungi, Demon Queen of Fungi, Lady of Rot and Decay, She of the Pustule, Queen of Spores
She / They
Hollow, Black
Fungal Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fungal Pale
Aligned Organization

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