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Floren is the Queendom of the Odd. The home for those without one. Teiflings, Tabaxi, Halfings and Half-Orcs, if you had trouble finding a place, Floren is for you. Floren city strives on trade, its control of the Gulf of Tib and its connection with the south gives it the income it needs to flourish, despite the trouble it has had with Rathmeyer.


Founded shortly after the fall of the fiendlords. The disenfranchised peoples, all used by Hosim, felt lost and directionless. Feeling particularly pushed out by the people of Rathmeyer, they found their new home on the southern coast of Drayth and created a community of acceptance and trade. Each group took particular interest in their specialty.   Half-orcs became a fantastic police and military force. The Halflings became wonderful farmers. The Tabaxi learned to become great sailors and fishermen, and the Tieflings became the greatest merchants in all of Drayth. As such Floren has risen to great prosperity in the last 250 years and continues to be a thorn in the side of Rathmeyer. If ever you should feel like you don't have a home, Floren will welcome you.

For the Lost

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Land of the Lost
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Floren


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