Artifact for the Queen Plot in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Artifact for the Queen

The quest description goes here

Diggory Brinker of the Queens guard stop the Freehearts to deliver a letter from the Queen . She needs them to go and retrieve a magical artifact to help her stave off her curse.  
Valiant champions, as the curse tightens its grip, I seek a newfound strength to resist its malevolent influence. Within the depths of the perilous forest to the east lies an ancient artifact of great power. It has the potential to fortify me against the encroaching darkness. Venture forth, face the treacherous creatures, and overcome the enchantments that guard its hiding place. Should you succeed, its magic shall empower me, offering respite and revealing a path towards eventual liberation. Go forth, and may your resolve deliver you from the forest's challenges and test.
— Queen Lydia Ravencroft

What happened

Have recieved the Queen,s note and know that time is ticking.  

Next Steps/Outcome

Need to venture across the lake to the forest to the east.  


Settlement | Jun 19, 2024


Diggory Brinker
Character | Jun 19, 2024
Queen Lydia Ravenlock
Character | Jun 18, 2024
Parent Plot


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