Blue Snake

Renfortuna's secrets, part 7

A title given to the one currently serving as the leader of Second Chance. It is their role to plan out the next actions of the organization and where to direct the resources. Its name is a play on three things. First, the Color Blue is a Color that both reveals the truth and obscures it. Similarly, the Second Chance tries to show the world what the Witches of Renfortuna are doing behind the curtains while also trying to stay hidden from the sight of them and their servants. Second, snakes shed their skin, shedding old skin can be considered a "second chance" to start a new life. And they are considered sneaky. And third, "snake eyes" is the lowest possible roll on two dice, and depending on the game can be considered a bad luck. And Second Chance is a bad luck omen against the three Witches of Renfortuna.

Accoutrements & Equipment

When dealing with the ones Second Chance is helping and sometimes during the missions and heists, leaders of the group put on the mask of a blue snake. There were a few missions that were supposed to distract the guards or even the Witches where other members of the organization also put on those masks.
Form of Address
Hiss Grace (jokingly, no matter the gender of the bearer of the title)
Alternative Naming
Scalie, Boss, Blue Boss, Snake Eyes
Source of Authority
Members of organization, there can be multiple Blue Snakes if a situation reaally requires it
Length of Term
Until they die, resign from the role or if someone else is chosen by the members of the group
Related Locations
Related Organizations
Press here to reveal a secret message
"Thank you, mister...miss? Blue Snake. If what you are saying about The Last Gamble is true, I cannot thank you enough. What? A favor? Ahh, only a question. Yes, when I talked to miss Witch of Wealth about that game, she noted everything in some kind of big book. Where? They told me it was her office. Really, that helps you? Well, then I'm happy I could help. If you ever find a way to save Lou, please tell her to go back home. I'll be awaiting her return no matter what."

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 4, 2024 06:37 by Marjorie Ariel

Okay, my favorite part of this is that the Blue Snake is also known as scalie and hiss grace. lol

Aug 16, 2024 23:31 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Cute design and nice hidden message! I also like the nicknames of the title and how everyone is jokingly referred to as HISS grace lol. The way you broke down the meanings and significance of everything was also nice. Great use of tooltips.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 30, 2024 05:11 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3