Divine Crater

Gray Witchkiller, part 1

The wheels of a Scarabeus wagon were spinning slowly with a nice rumble on a stone road.
"So, what brings you here, mister Ray L.?"
"What else could bring me here, a pilgrimage to Sacra Magica."
"You don't really strike me as a follower of a Goddess-Witch."
"True. Then, a simple curiosity? Never been there and I just want to see it."
"Aye, that suits my image of you more. Don't worry, an hour more and we'll be there. But right, now, we're getting to the edge of the crater. Get ready to feast your eyes."
A burst of laughter answered him.
  As its name suggests, the Divine Crater is a remnant of the top of an ancient dormant volcano. It is guessed that at least hundreds of thousands of years passed already since its last activation. In the meantime, all sides of it have been covered with mountains and hills and there is even a hill right in the middle of its caldera. The "divine" part of its name is pretty new thanks to the city of the Goddess-Witch, Sacra Magica that has been built inside of it.


The most curious thing related to the Divine Crater is a hill right in the middle of it. It doesn't seem to be a product of the natural movements of the earth, so where did all that soil and rocks come from? It has a gentle slope but it's tall enough to give protection from any possible attackers, either from the bottom of it or any ranged attacks coming from the edge of the caldera.


The caldera has a very rich soil that lets many different species of plants prosper there. And with plants, it didn't take long for fauna to move in there too. This, of course, is said to be the blessing of the Witch-Goddess. Healthy plants, woods bustling with animals, and no fear for lack of food for those who live under her caring wings.
Alternative Name(s)
Sacred Crater;
Crater under the wings of One Only Divine and Kind, the Daughter of the Suns, Brighter than Stars, the Allgiving, the Forgiving and Saving Goddess
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


Many visit the place every year. If not to reach the goal of their pilgrimage, Sacra Magica, and have a chance to see the object of their faith, the Goddess-Witch, then to just see the wonders of the Divine Crater. Its size, the uncontaminated beauty of fauna and flora living there, and the surprising lack of any Oversaturated areas in the close vicinity of the crater.

Cover image: by Revyera


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