Red-Plated Hounds

The growling closing in on a Gray mage in the Divine Sanctuary proved to be a pair of Red-plated hounds followed by another 4 Golden Shields. The Gray mage looked down. His Wreath of Heath had almost used all its charges. He made a few steps to the side, keeping some furniture between himself and the hounds.
Still, almost in sync, they rushed at him. In an instant, he did the same and rushed towards them. But while the hounds were targetting him, he reached out to the table standing between them and launched it the moment one of the hounds jumped at it, throwing it in the air. The second hound didn't wait and leaped at the table, using the plates on its back as a ram. The table immediately turned into a rain of splinters, but that was enough to slow the creature down. Gray mage reached out to the creature's body and drained just enough of its Colors for it to lose consciousness.
  The region of Divine Crater has a few species of endemic animals. One of the better-known of them, thanks to them being tameable, is the Red-plated hound. These unusual creatures possess traits of both canines and armadillos and unusual red markings on their bodies. They possess long but massive dog-like legs and their heads resemble those of wolves though the tops of their heads, their backs, and parts of their legs are protected with Red bony shells. Said shells are capable of withstanding most non-enhanced slashing attacks and some of the projectiles and can even be used as weapons by Red-plated hounds. To do so, these animals charge at their target and ram into it with their whole weight. An attack like this is strong enough to completely break human bones and knock out and severely bruise a Beteclaw. Even when not counting their protective plates, Red-plated hounds possess sharp claws and incredibly strong jaws.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Red-plated hounds live in small packs consisting of 4 to 6 members. They require social interaction with each other to function properly, and it is advised to possess at least two of them when deciding to keep them.


It is possible to keep and train Red-plated hounds as guard animals. They are hard to train but extremely loyal and intelligent to the point where they can learn multiple commands and recognize the faces of visitors and intruders.
~18 years
Average Height
1.3 - 1.8 meters (height at withers)
Average Length
1.6 - 2 meters
Geographic Distribution

Body markings and hunts in the past

When not counting their protective plates, most of their bodies are covered with gray, brown, or black skin and fur. The plates also keep some of that coloration but they also have strong red markings on them. Said pigmentation is strong enough to have the protective properties of Red Color. In the past, they were hunted for this Red pigmentation, however, the effort needed to hunt down even one Red-plated hound, the ammo needed to do it, and the amount of pigment gathered proved those hunts to be completely unprofitable. Instead, gathering plates the hounds shed as they grow is both easier and cheaper to do.

Cover image: by Revyera


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