Divine Sanctuary

Gray Witchkiller, part 9

14 Golden Shields defeated and Gray mage was finally in Goddess-Witch's sanctuary. The one he was inside right now looked like a luxurious apartment. Wooden floor, marble walls, expensive furniture.
Before he managed to look around more, he heard the sound of boots running towards him and some growling.
Sacra Magica is a city-state, in which the ruler and the religious figure is the so-called Goddess-Witch. Unless there is some kind of celebration or emergency, she spends most of her time in prohibited sections of temples there, each satisfying one of her needs or entertaining her in some kind of way. Each of those Divine Sanctuaries is built to withstand most of the dangers coming from the outside, surviving even the explosives.   Since what the Goddess-Witch wants to do changes quite often, each Sanctuary is equipped with different facilities. For example, there is a grand library, an aquapark, a restaurant, a spa, a dungeon, a botanic garden, a giant bedroom, and many more. Whenever she gets bored being in one place, that's when a March of the Witch-Goddess celebration takes place. On average, each stay lasts about a month, though the shortest ones lasted for about a week and the longest one (at her library) lasted for half a year.  


Only those Goddess-Witch wants to enter can walk into one of the Divine Sanctuaries. For anyone else, the entrance will be blocked with multiple Shells of many hues. As long as the shells are active, only the Golden Shields are able to enter and leave Sanctuaries at will.
Parent Location


A few days before Witch-Goddess moves to the next Sanctuary, all of the staff required for it to operate smoothly is brought in and checked for any symptoms of hostility towards the "goddess". The staff that changes the least between the Sanctuaries consists of cooks, maids, servants, and some of the playthings.

Cover image: by Revyera


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