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Levian Magnes


Four districts make up the city, with each district laid out as a wedge radiating outward from the city centre, which houses the Imperial Palace, and the seat of the planetary government. Each district has a distinct feel to it, representing different aspects and classes of the city.  

Commerce District

Notable Locations
  • The Scarlet Sword
  • Dive bar, meeting location for Haril Zense

Cultural District

Notable Locations
  • Borrigan's

Noble District

Residential District


Levian Magnes is the capital city of the planet Veron, which is currently under Imperial control.

Points of interest

Levian Magnes Spaceport

The large oval spaceport resembles a Corellian stingwasp hive—a huge, domed structure covered in openings of various sizes. Transports come and go to the port while airspeeders and repulsorlift craft ferry cargo from landing bays into the city. Flashing message boards surround all sides of the building, informing everyone of arrivals and departures of commercial space liners and other ships. Beyond, the rest of the city is built atop a hill and dominated by a large palatial building.   Most offworlders enter the city through the spaceport. A clean, well laid-out building standing 19 stories tall, the spaceport can accommodate upwards of 75 ships at a time, from starfighters to the average freighter. Three docking bays can ht larger vessels, such as GR-75 medium transports.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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