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Setenna Hase

Senior Advisor Setenna Hase

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Setenna Hase was raised in a middle-class family on the Corellian world of Tralus near the end of the Republic. She left her world to travel the galaxy at a young age, possessed with a powerful wanderlust to see new and exciting worlds. Travelling through the Core Worlds and on to the Outer Rim for close to a decade, Hase studied numerous cultures, philosophies, and beliefs among other species. As the Republic fell and the Empire rose to power, many of these cultures fell under the oppression of the Empire and their New Order. Appalled to see people she had studied under and lived with subjected to such misery, Setenna began looking into the Rebellion. Then an Imperial raid killed Setenna's beloved mentor, a pacifist Ithorian philosopher named Borrosel. Setenna Hase joined the Rebellion and never looked back.   The squad encountered Hase at Farstone Base, where it was revealed that Private Gifl'el had previously had a romantic relationship with her. The meeting did not go well.   During the invasion of Farstone Base by Imperial forces, the squad from the 31st Regiment was asked by the base's bartender Urel Haydon to escort Hase to a transport, which the squad did. During the journey to the new "Resolute Base" on Udemaath, it was Hase who announced the death of General Niall to the fleet.   On reaching Resolute Base, Hase set her focus on finding ancient ruins on Udemaath. The squad was able to help her identify its location. However, before it could be investigated, it was revealed that Hase's assistant Var Narek was a traitor. Narek took Hase hostage and took her off-world. Her current location is unknown.


Studied under the pacifist Ithorian philosopher Borrosel.

Mental Trauma

  • The death of Hase's mentor, Borrosel radically altered Hase's worldview and made her take up a role in the rebellion.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hase is an incredibly intelligent and motivated individual.

Morality & Philosophy

Hase is a strong believer in the galactic community being an orchestra of diverse voices and believes in freedom of thought above all else.


Contacts & Relations

Private Kesc Gifl'el: Former romantic partner.


Hase often speaks in a fiery, emotional manner.
Current Status
Civilian and political leader with the 13th Division
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Senior Advisor
Current Residence
Black, mid-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why did you have to come here, you bloody fool?"   - Said to Kesc Gifl'el before kissing/slapping him
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Basic
  • Bothan
  • Ithorian
Ruled Locations

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