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Omardon Salron

Corporal Omardon Salron

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

"With that build of his, any enemy should be thankful he usually prefers stitching guts back in over tearing them out."

- Bruean Boismerr, Drill Instructor, Sundari Imperial Academy

Specialized Equipment

  • Light arms.
  • Medical equipment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


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Despite being raised in the modern Empirically-acceptable environment of a "new Mandalorian" family of the present, Omardon Salron spent his adolescence in the past. He marvelled at the ancient teachings of his people and revelled in the tales of Mandalore, their honourable clashes with the Jedi Order, and their former heights of glory. It was a childhood wonder of such strength, that when the Imperial hegemony continued to pressure him into walking the dictated path of a loyal Outer Rim citizen, there yet remained a flame of Mandalore burning within. Indeed, even after Omardon had conformed further in service to the Empire, enrolling in the Sundari Imperial Academy to train as a combat medic, that spark still survived. And it was that last spark that would blossom into an inferno of primal vengeance on a single morning. The day the Empire murdered his father.   The Imperials had struck just as night fell on Sundari, snatching the tired man as he strolled home from work. Calm-headed, Urrot Salron complied with their demands and walked into custody, willing to answer questions on a crime for which he knew nothing of. A simple matter that would be cleared up by morning. Yet only hours later, when the sun next rose over the city, its rays would shine on Urrot's corpse, swinging gently from a post. A single word written on a sign around his neck: Guilty.   Possessed with rage, pain, and confusion, Omardon immediately hit every lead he had in the Outer Rim and the military for answers. What had his father possibly done to deserve this brutality? How and why could this atrocity happen on the Empire's Mandalore? And eventually, through whispers, the truth was revealed to him. Urrot's punishment was not for any crime that had been committed, but for the company he had kept. Though the Imperials could not prove it, Urrot had long been in contact with the rebellion. And that transgression had been more than enough to warrant his death.   And at that, Omardon knew his fate. He would abandon the academy, a monument to these monsters. He would reach out to those same contacts who he'd later discover his father had protected with his life. He would feed the raging fire like the generations of Mandalorians that had come before him and honour his father. Using his skills to bring back a galaxy with true protectors and make sure no one in his family or on his world would suffer again.


(Incomplete) Sundari Imperial Academy
  • Xenology
  • Principles of Warfare
  • Outer Rim Policy
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

    • [7.2.0 ABY] Took part in the capture of Imperial Intelligence Special Agent Mardek Dellel. - AWARDED CITATION
    • [14.2.0 ABY] Transferred from 2nd Pathfinders to 31st Regiment.
    • [15.2.0 ABY] Instrumental in defence of Farstone Base, impeding the advancement of Imperial forces, assisting in the evacuation, and destroying the base to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
    • [16.2.0] Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Awarded with the Alliance Heroism Medal.

    Morality & Philosophy

    • Belief - The Jedi
    • Duty - Family
    • Internal Security


    Religious Views

    Mandalorian religion currently favours a belief in the manda, a collective oversoul described as the very essence of being Mandalorian. A Mandalorian ignorant of their heritage and culture is considered to be dar'manda—soulless—and has no place in the manda after death; to be dar'manda is considered a terrible fate by Mandalorians, and a great importance is placed upon knowing and living their culture as defined by the Resol'nare, the culture's six tenets.
    Current Status
    Serving in 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 31st Regiment
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Rank: Corporal   Position: Squad Medic   Awards:
      Alliance Heroism Medal
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    • Mando'a
    • Basic
    Character Prototype
    Soldier (Medic)

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