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M002: Traitor Hunt at Farstone Base - ABORTED

Missions/Quests Completed

After a series of catastrophes (including the brutal defeat of a 2nd Pathfinder company on Uvena Prime), Major Chaz Kovunaka tasked 2nd Squad with uncovering a potential mole at Farstone Base HQ. They would use the transport of captured Imperial Intelligence Special Agent Mardek Dellel as cover to reach the base and be placed on light duties. Whilst there they could investigate.   Due to the destruction of Farstone Base, this mission has been aborted.  

Primary Objectives

  The squad was tasked with:
  • Transport Mardek Dellel to Farstone - COMPLETE
  • Navigate the canyon gauntlet to reach Farstone Base - COMPLETE
  • Uncover the mole - ABORTED

Additional Objectives

  Vortex Patrol: The squad was volunteered to fill in for an ill pilot, Jerrod Lourdas, and patrol his route. Given the callsign Vortex 4, they were assigned Sectors 16, 17, and 18 to investigate.
  • Patrol Sector 16 - COMPLETE
  • Patrol Sector 17 - COMPLETE
  • Patrol Sector 18 - COMPLETE
The Battle of Farstone Base: When Farstone Base came under attack, the squad assisted in its defence.
  • Detonate canyon explosives - COMPLETE
  • Escort Setenna Hase to transport hangar - COMPLETE
  • Set base generators to explode - COMPLETE

Character(s) interacted with


  At Echo HQ
  • Maj. Chaz Kovunaka
  • Lt. Colis Maak
  • Corporal Kuqoe
  • Sargeant Kotrus Hotako
  • Sargeant Bradkei Pepdo
  • Special Agent Mardek Dellel
  • Sargeant San Gakell
  At Farstone Base
  • Major Yalor
  • Senior Advisor Setenna Hase
  • Dr. Lorren Morrick
  • Urel Haydon
  • Quartermaster Clik
  • Captain Harl Bess
  • General Ran Niall
  • Colonel Qurno
  • Lieutenant Field Assistant Var Narek
  • Captain Balrekk

Related Reports


Mission Timeline


Debriefing & Briefing

  • The squad arrives at the Mynock's nest with their prisoner Special Agent Mardek Dellel. They submit their report
  • The squad is brought before Echo Company XO, Major Chaz Kovunaka for a debrief. They are highly praised for their actions and are told they will have citations added to their files. However they are given a verbal warning for disrespecting their platoon CO Lieutnant Colis Maak.
  • Following the debrief, Kovunaka voices his concerns about internal security. He explains that several missions (including a failed action by Omardon Salron's 2nd Pathfinder Platoon on Uvena Prime) were likely sabotaged by a mole at Division HQ. Kovunaka tasks the squad with travelling to Farstone Base (using the transport of their prisoner as cover) and uncovering the potential breach. As part of this assignment, Kovunaka makes a battlefield reassignment of Private Omardon Salron to the 31st Regiment Echo Company.
  • The squad encounters Sargeant Bradkei Pepdo fraternising with Dellel. Private Kesc Gifl'el admonishes him and for that receives light praise from the other squad leaders. The prisoner is collected for transport to Farstone Base.

Arrival at Farstone

  • The squad arrives on the planet Farstone. They receive communication from Major Yalor at the base and Private Tal Kav assists in connecting to the slave programme that will guide their vessel through the gauntlet of canyons to reach the base. However, on entering the gauntlet, the guidance system suddenly deactivates. The ship's crew fights off several creatures (Doran'enoks) as they navigate the canyon.
  • The squad meets Major Yalor and relays the information about the distortion. Yalor is tentative but doesn't think there is any reason to be paranoid. He assures the squad that his crew will be able to determine its nature soon. He suggests it could have been caused by a geomagnetic storm from a nearby star. In any case. he feels that he and his soldiers can do nothing about it at the time. The squad comes to the conclusion that while such an anomaly is possible, it is also likely caused by intentional sabotage.
  • Major Yalor informs the squad that one of their pilots (Jerrod Lourdas) has taken ill and would appreciate them reporting to Captain Harl Bess to fill in for his patrol in a couple of hours.
  • The squad passes Mardek Dellel to Farstone Base Security to be locked in quarters.
  • The squad explores the base. Private Kron Gellat meets Quartermaster Clik and leaves his rifle to be tinkered with. Private Salron meets with the base doctor, Dr. Lorren Morrick. Kesc Gifl'el meets with one of the base's senior staff members, Senior Advisor Setenna Hase. The squad also chats with the base bartender, Urel Haydon.
  • Haydon informed the squad that the division's leadership is a triumvirate made up of General Ran Niall, Colonel Danel Qurno, and Senior Advisor Setenna Hase.

Vortex Patrol

  • The squad arrives at the hangar and meets Captain Harl Bess. Bess gives the squad the callsign Vortex and assigns them Sectors 16, 17, and 18 to investigate. He provides them with two T-47 Sandspeeders.
  • After initially discovering nothing of interest, the squad finds an unfamiliar comms device blasting out an encrypted signal. After arranging pickup of the device, the squad continues on their patrol.
  • The squad encounters an imperial probe. They are unable to destroy it before it initiates a self-destruct, knocking out both of the squad's sandspeeders.
  • The squad is faced with an imminent invasion by an Imperial attack fleet.

Defence of Farstone Base

  • The squad performs an emergency repair of their crafts and returns as fast as possible to Farstone Base.
  • The squad is summoned to appear before the base leadership and informs them of the squad's covert mission, the evidence of espionage found, and the enemy numbers.
  • The squad is sent to detonate a set of explosive charges planted in the canyon in order to impede the Imperial attackers.
  • During their travel along the defensive positions, a bombing run causes a cave-in trapping several rebels under falling rocks. The squad rescues the trapped troopers and applies medical attention to them.
  • The squad is attacked by a Doran'enok but is driven off by blaster fire and the stern shouts of Private Kesc Gifl'el.
  • The squad reaches the explosives cache and detonates it, collapsing rocks onto the approaching AT-ATs.
  • During their return trip to the base, Private Kron Gellat mans an anti-infantry gun and slaughters several sandtroopers.
  • On returning to the base, the squad faces off against a squad of sandtroopers (led by Captain Feon Balrekk) in the main hangar. The sandtroopers are defeated and Balrekk flees.
  • An announcement declares the defence is collapsing and the base is in full evacuation.

Evacuation of Farstone Base

  • The squad spots an unidentified individual (dressed in a 13th Division uniform) acting suspiciously in the corner of the hangar. Though they are unable to find the person amidst the chaos, they do identify a device the person was interacting with as another communications device similar to the one found on patrol.
  • The squad encounters a visibly distressed Urel Haydon in a hallway who asks them to get Senior Advisor Sentenna Hase out of the C&C and to bring her to the transport hangar for evacuation.
  • The squad enters the C&C, where Private Kesc Gifl'el (supported by Lieutenant Field Assistant Var Narek) convinces Setenna Hase to leave the base.
  • The squad escorts Hase and Narek to the Transport Hangar.
  • An explosion rips through the transport hangar, killing several rebels. Before his death, one of them implores the squad to complete his mission of setting the base's generators to explode. Setenna asks them to do it and kisses/slaps Gifl'el.
  • The squad passes General Niall and Colonel Qurno in the hallway on the way to the generator.
  • The squad dodges past imperial forces and accesses the tunnel under the C&C to reach the generator.
  • During a tense sequence, Private Tal Kav sets the generator to explode.
  • The squad finds their way through the base vents back to the transport hangar and escapes in the last freighter.
  • The base explodes.

Special Arrangements

  • Private Omardon Salron was reassigned from the 2nd Regiment Pathfinders to the 31st Regiment.
  • The squad members were all issued citations to their records.


  • The slave programme system to navigate the gauntlet malfunctioned. It is unknown why.
  • One of the base's pilots (Jerrod Lourdas) has taken ill. After study by Private Salron, it appears to be some form of accidental or intentional food poisoning.
  • It appears that Gifl'el and Hase had a prior romantic relationship that may cause some friction.
  • Multiple devices were found in and around Farstone base that strongly hint towards sabotage.
  • The Razorhawk has likely been lost as it was left in Farstone base before it exploded.

Additional Considerations


  • Mardek Dellel was handed over to Farstone base security. Though it is unknown where he is now, it is assumed he died in the blast that consumed the base.

Intel Documents

Base Layout

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