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M002B: Resolute Recovery - IN PROGRESS

Rewards Granted


Promotion to Corporal: Corporal Kesc Gifl'el, Corporal Kron Gellat, Corporal Tal Kav, Corporal Omardon Salron Squad Leadership Assigned: Corporal Kesc Gifl'el Alliance Heroism Medal awarded to: Corporal Kesc Gifl'el, Corporal Kron Gellat, Corporal Tal Kav, Corporal Omardon Salron

Missions/Quests Completed

After the loss of Farstone Base, the squad travelled with the remaining base forces to set up a new HQ for the 13th division on the planet Udemaath: Resolute Base. Once there, the task was at hand to secure the base.   The squad was tasked with:

Primary Tasks

  • Travelling with the fleet to Udemaath - COMPLETE
  • Assisting in the construction of Resolute Base - COMPLETE
  • Discover the source of the attacks on rebel soldiers and report back - COMPLETE

Secondary Tasks

  • Continue investigating the possibility of a traitor in the division. - COMPLETE
  • Investigate the ruins of a nearby pirate base and gather supplies for themselves and/or Quartermaster Clik - COMPLETE

Character(s) interacted with


  • Colonel Qurno
  • Senior Advisor Hase
  • Major Yalor
  • Field Lt. Narek
  • Doctor Morrick
  • GH-72
  • Quartermaster Clik
  • Harl Bess
  • Private Mattalo Jardoo


Mission Timeline

Escape From Farstone

[15.2.0]   Following the defeat of the rebels, the squad sets the generators of Farstone Base to blow. The base is destroyed and the rebels escape in an evacuation fleet.   [16.2.0]   It is announced to the fleet that General Ran Niall was killed in the battle at Farstone, though the details of how are not looked into further by the squad.   The squad members are each promoted to the rank of Corporal and presented with the Alliance Heroism Medal. Corporal Gifl'el was appointed squad leader.   Due to the loss of their vessel, the Razorhawk, the squad was presented with a YT-1300 light freighter, the Silver Hawk.   The squad inform Colonel Qurno and Senior Advisor Hase that they still believe there is a molde   [18.2.0]   The evacuation fleet arrives at Udemaath and begins construction of Resolute Base.  

Resolute Base Reinforcement

  [23.2.0]   MORNING   With the basic construction of the base complete. The squad are tasked by Colonel Qurno with assisting Major Yalor with investigating animal attacks on several rebel soldiers. He seems to put aside their concerns regarding the mole again, saying the stability of the base is more important. Visiting the base clinic, they are briefed by Major Yalor on the location of the creatures and speak with Doctor Lorren Morrick about the nature of the attacks. By looking at the record of a delirious patient (Private Mattalo Jardoo) they are able to determine that the creatures possess some form of toxin.   The squad meets with Quartermaster Clik to requisition supplies. Clik seems slightly antagonistic about giving the squad anything but what he's been told to provide them with. However, Clik does return Corporal Gellat's carbine rifle to him, which now includes some unconventional "improvements". Clik informs the squad that a nearby abandoned pirate base will likely offer potential supplies for them, but which he would like a share of.   The squad travels by speederbike to the edge of the swamp East of the base, before moving on foot. Far into the swamp, the squad discovers a strange hiding place of sorts where something was buried. There are wires on the site, hinting it was something electronic. Soon after, the squad is beset upon by large violent insectoid creatures that they dispatch swiftly, thanks largely to the gunnery skills of Corporal Gellat. Finding the nest of the creatures, the squad are faced with some "queen" variant, surrounded by larvae. With a grenade, Corporal Kav destroys the nest, slaughtering the larvae and badly wounding the queen. This infuriates the beast, which violently attacks Kav, wounding him badly before it is put down. Corporal Salron provides Kav with medical attention to get him back on his feet and the squad searches the nest. They find some kind of digital data storage device.   AFTERNOON   The squad leaves the swamp and rides by speederbike to the foothills northwest of the base, searching for the abandoned pirate base. Travelling by foot, they see that there indeed seems to be a large structure higher up the wooded mountainside.  

Special Arrangements

  • The squad were allowed the use of several speederbikes as part of their mission to investigate the animal attacks.
  • The squad members have all been promoted to the rank of corporal. Kesc Gifl'el is now the squad leader.
  • The squad are now the owners of the Silver Hawk YT-1300 Light Freighter.
  • Kron Gellat's weapon has been modified.


  • It is still unknown if a traitor remains among the 13th Division HQ rebels.

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