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M001B: Imperial Holiday - MISSION COMPLETE

Rewards Granted

Salvaged Items

  Recovered from Mardek Dellel  


  Citations awarded to: Private Kesc Gifl'el, Private Kron Gellat, Private Tal Kav, Private Omardon Salron

Missions/Quests Completed

After discovering the location of an imperial agent (Mardek Dellel) on Dorumaa, the squad took action to neutralise and capture the target. The squad was tasked with:
  • Travelling to Dorumaa -COMPLETE
  • Locating Mardek Dellel on Dorumaa - COMPLETE
  • Capturing Mardek Dellel - COMPLETE
  • Escaping Dorumaa with Mardek Dellel - COMPLETE
  • Returning to "Mynock's Nest" base camp on Ogem - COMPLETE

Character(s) interacted with


  • Jun Jun Don
  • Mar Daghreb
  • Mardek Dellel
  • Jazzmina Sata
  • Jon Elasso

Other Groups

  • Dorumaa Resort Staff
  • Dorumaa Resort Security
  • Palatia Resort Hub Staff
  • Palatia Resort Hub Security


Mission Timeline

Locating Dellel

  • The squad left Jhako, and were immediately encountered by an Imperial transport craft heading down to the planet. However, the squad were able to deceive the vessel over comms that they were on an Imperial Intelligence mission and continued on their way.
[5.2.0 → 7.2.0]
  • The squad travelled for two and a half days in hyperspace to Dorumaa. The trip took half the average time due to excellent astrogation work by Tal Kav. On arrival, they docked in Dorumaa City.
  • The extraction team of Kesc Gifl'el, Kron Gellat, and Tal Kav left the Razorhawk to find the target. Omardon Salron stayed onboard to guard their prisoner, Imperial Officer Lt. Shirfel Truwin.
  • The extraction team made contact with a local business owner, Jun Jun Don (owner of the Cantina Oceana). Don was an old acquaintance of Private Tal Kav with local connections.
  • The extraction team was able to convince Don to use his insider knowledge to uncover that Mardek Dellel was staying at the Palatia Resort Hub. It was also revealed that Mardek's room was being paid for by the Cybot Galactica corporation.
  • After arranging accommodations through Don, the extraction team travelled to the Palatia Resort Hub.
  • After checking the room for surveillance (and only finding standard automated security cameras at the room entrances), Private Tal Kav hacked the Palatia Resort Hub computer system to discover what room Mardek Dellel was staying in.
  • Private Kesc Gifl'el was invited to drinks with the hotel manager, Mar Daghreb, and was personally introduced to Mardek Dellel. Private Gifl'el attempted to deceive Dellel that he was in fact another Intelligence operative meant to pick him up.
  • Dellel said he would leave with Private Gifl'el the following day.

Further observation of the target

  • The extraction team attended a Sabacc game at the resort's nightclub (The Boonta Boonta Lounge), in which Private Kesc Gifl'el took part. Mardek Dellel won the game.
  • During their time at the club, the extraction team was introduced to two acquaintances of Mardek Dellel: Jon Elasso (an executive from TransGalMeg Industries) and Jazzmina Sata (a blue-skinned woman with an unknown agenda). Though there was little interaction with Elasso, Private Kron Gellat enthusiastically danced with Jazzmina Sata.
  • Jon Elasso suddenly took ill (suspected drugging). Mardek Dellel said he would take Elasso back to his room.
  • The extraction team attempted to follow Mardek Dellel out of the club and was hampered by Jazzmina Sata who loudly and falsely claimed she had been assaulted by Private Kron Gellat. Private Gellat was able to diffuse the situation with threats before any potential clubgoers could get physical with the squad in defence of Sata.
  • The extraction team left the club and observed Elasso being taken back to the main hotel building by Mardek Dellel.

Capturing Dellel

  • The extraction team returned to their room, where they received a call from Jon Elasso inviting them to see him in his own room. He claimed they were in danger and asked them to come armed.
  • On arriving at Jon Elasso's room, the extraction team found him dead at the room entrance. Suspecting a frame job (potentially by Mardek Dellel), they left immediately without stepping into the room proper. On arriving back at the lobby they informed the staff of Elasso's demise.
  • After briefly investigating Jon Elasso's room, hotel security attempted to detain the extraction team in the lobby. Security claimed that they had found threatening messages from the squad members on a datapad near Elasso's body.
  • The extraction team refused to be detained or give up their weapons, citing that the elevator camera footage would vindicate them.
  • Reaching an impasse, the extraction team was attacked by hotel security, who attempted to stun them. The outcome of this firefight was the extraction team stunning the hotel security team.
  • Mardek Dellel arrived in the lobby armed and aggressive. After some brief words, he engaged the extraction team in combat.
  • During this combat, Jazzmina Sata entered the lobby armed (likely to assist Mardek Dellel) but was quickly disarmed by Private Kron Gellat. Sata then fled the scene.
  • Mardek Dellel was successfully stunned (with a final shot by Private Kron Gellat) and he was carried outside as additional hotel security arrived and laid down fire.
  • Private Tal Kav was able to unlock one of the hotel airspeeder vehicles which the extraction team used for their escape back to Dorumaa City.

Escaping Dorumaa

  • As the extraction team flew their craft to Dorumaa Resort spaceport, Private Omardon Salron went to meet them at the customs area.
  • After briefly being accosted by security for leaving their airspeeder at the spaceport, the extraction team met Private Omardon Salron at customs.
  • An alarm was sounded as the extraction team's names were entered into the docking system, with their images flashed on monitors across the terminal. Dorumaa Security attempted to arrest the team.
  • Private Tal Kav broke into the control room and used a console to disable the docking clamps on the ship.
  • The squad escaped the terminal onto a people carrier and were chased by Palatia Hub Security (who had arrived at the spaceport) driving another people carrier. Eventually they gave up the chase.
  • The squad arrived at the Razorhawk, dumped Lt. Truwin off of the ship and took Mardek Dellel aboard, securing him in the cargo hold.
  • The Razorhawk received a comms from Mar Daghreb, promising retribution for the squad's actions.
  • The squad left Dorumaa in the Razorhawk.
  • During basic interrogation of Mardek Dellel he admitted to the murder of Jon Elasso but did not disclose his reasons.
  • The squad travelled to Echo company base camp on Ogem for debrief. Mardek Dellel was interred in their "Boo Boo Hole" detainment facility.

Special Arrangements

  • The Squad changed the name and registry of their ship from Emperor's Will (T4-A6XY3) to Razorhawk (IF-7635), matching the Imperial vessel due to pick up Mardek Dellel.
  • Jun Jun Don arranged for a VIP room for the squad at the Palatia Hub at a discount.
  • The squad travelled to the Palatia Resort Hub and checked in under adopted pseudonyms: Rondell Floom (Kron Gellat), Jib Jub (Tal Kav), Forta Skew (Kesc Gifl'el).
  • When asked by Mar Daghreb, Kesc Gifl'el claimed to work for Ohnaka Transport Solutions as part of his cover, at the suggestion of Mardek Dellel.


  • While the squad encountered an Imperial transport (YV-929 Armed Transport IT763, Callsign: Gundark) on leaving Jhako, they were able to deceive them and continue unobstructed. However, their presence and use of an Imperial vessel have likely been noted, even if the callsign and details it was under have been changed.
  • While Private Tal Kav was able to hack the Palatia Resort hub system for information, his hack was detected by resort staff and logged.
  • The squad encountered Mardek Dellel sooner than hoped as he was invited to a meeting between Private Kesc Gifl'el and Mar Daghreb.
  • The squad may be unfairly linked to the murder of businessman Jon Elasso.
  • The squad had their faces captured on hotel surveillance systems.
  • There may be future difficulties with the Dorumaa Investment Group in general and Mar Daghreb specifically as fallout for this mission.
  • The status of Jazzmina Sata is unknown.

Additional Considerations


  • The mission began with Imperial POW Lt. Shirfel Truwin as a prisoner of the Squad. Kesc Gifl'el spoke with her in order to form a rapport.
  • It was revealed that Truwin was about to take leave and her interest in Swoop Bikes was confirmed.
  • The prisoner agreed to behave herself until released.
  • Private Omardon Salron remained on the ship to watch the prisoner.
  • Shirfel Truwin was left on Dorumaa unharmed.


  • The body of the deceased rebellion contact Dr. Hessen Rahbin remains in the squad's cargo hold.

Intel Documents

Deployment Communication

The following imperial deployment communication was obtained from a comms relay facility on Jhako. It was this communication that revealed Mardek Dellel's location and that he's currently without an escort.

Intel Chart

Dorumaa Mission WB.jpg

Layout of Palatia Resort Hub

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