Lake Zarov Geographic Location in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Lake Zarov

Lake Zarovich.png
At the foot of a mountain, nestled in the misty forest, is a large lake. The water is perfectly still and dark, reflecting the black clouds overhead like a monstrous mirror.


The party rescues a young Vistani girl named Arabelle, daughter of Luvash, from drowning in the lake. She was tossed overboard by a fur trapper down on his luck named Bluto. Bluto claims that something in the water told him it would gift him with fish if he brought it sacrifices.   Sam feels something move through his mind while he's on the lake and Velikov later tells the party that the lake is inhabited by one of the corrupted Fanes of the Dibril Valley. However, Ivah and Loken also see something golden, like sunlight, at the bottom of the lake, and they believe it may be one of the items spoken about by Madam Eva at the Tser Pool Encampment.   The party later spots van Richten's wagon on the north shore of the lake, seemingly abandoned.   After Mishka is injured by the town guards of Vallaki, the party tracks her blood trail to the edge of the lake, where they are attacked by a will-o-wisp and several undead in the ruins of an old tower. Ivah has the sense that there is a story to be learned in the ruins on the lake's edge, but is unable to grasp it.   They recover Mishka from the lake and revive her. They learn she was charmed by something in the lake that made her bring it children. The party tells Mishka not to trust the Abbot, and to stop looking for Ireena. They persuade her to instead seek help in the south at the Wizard of Wines.

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