Velikov Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Velikov is the broodfather of the dökkálfar skep that lives in the Vistani Camp southwest of Vallaki.  


Centuries ago, Lysaga, Velikov's broodmate and the broodmother of his skep, was seduced by Rahadin, a new male dökkálfar that had recently settled in the Dibril Valley. Lysaga later betrayed Velikov and the other dökkálfar of their skep by sharing forbidden knowledge of the Amber Temple with Ravna van Roeyen.   When Velikov learned of this betrayal, he and the skep turned on Lysaga, stoning her to death. It was Velikov's hope that one of Lysaga's eggs would re-hatch her, returning her to him uncorrupted. But in retribution, Rahadin defeated Velikov in single combat, severed his wings, and destroyed all the skep's unhatched eggs, ensuring Lysaga could never return. Rahadin then took Lysaga's body back to Castle Roeyen, to be entombed in the crypts there.  


At the Vistani Camp, the party learns of Velikov's story, and his willingness to help them enter the Amber Temple when they have the tools to do so. He wishes only to bring back his beloved Lysaga, whose soul he says speaks to him from beyond death. He believes the secret to her return may exist in the Temple.
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