Rudolph van Richten Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Rudolph van Richten

The lone guest of the Blue Water Inn at present is a colorfully dressed bard who goes by the name Rictavio. He regales tavern patrons with stories so outrageous as to be hardly believable, yet he asserts they are true indeed. Rictavio claims to be a carnival ringmaster from a distant land. He’s been staying at the inn for almost a month, taking advantage of Urwin Martikov’s generosity and good nature. His carnival wagon is stored at the Arasek Stockyard.  


When he arrived, he was accompanied by a monkey named Piccolo. The monkey wasn’t welcome at the Inn, so Rictavio gave it to the local orphanage.  


The party soon learns that "Rictavio" is a false identity adopted by the Inquisitor and Professor at the College of Westermount, Rudolph van Richten.   Van Richten entered the Dibril Valley about two months ago. The Valley is currently locked to all who would come and go, but van Richten was able to gain access by tricking Simak into casting a spell that opened a gateway temporarily.   Van Richten believes that the Dark Powers which control the Valley have encircled it with Mists, separating it from the rest of the Imperium. He also believes that Countess Ravna van Roeyen is a vessel for these Powers and that destroying her may break their hold on this realm, allowing it to rejoin the rest of the Imperium.   Van Richten departs on his own, leaving a letter to Simak telling him that he seeks the Mad Mage north of Lake Zarov. The party later sees his wagon on the north side of the lake. Upon investigating, they find it abandoned for several days. The party tracks van Richten to the Yeti Cave where they find he has been killed. However, his soul was trapped in a magical ring, allowing the wearer to communicate with him. Ivah wears the ring and speaks with van Richten regularly.
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