Imperial Order of the Inquisition Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Imperial Order of the Inquisition

inquisition Insignia
The core tenet of the Imperial Order of the Inquisition is to destroy inhuman corruption inside the Imperium in the name of the Undying Emperor, and for the protection of all humankind.   The Inquisition exists beyond the Law and uses arcane, divine, and mundane means to root out inhuman corruption, which they call the Taint. Though the smallest of the Imperial Orders, all Imperial citizens know and fear the Inquisition.   The members of the Inquisition are extremely varied, with a wide range of talents. The Administorum governs and administers the organization of the Inquisition and consists primarily of clerics of the Knowledge Domain. The Quaestus work in the field, tracking down any trace of the Taint in the human populace and are often Inquisitive or Mastermind rogues.   A secretive and esoteric branch of the Inquisition delves deeper into the old magics, learning to fight fire with fire. The Malleus are responsible for tracking and destroying the worst corruptions of the Taint. These Inquisitors often have a personal history with the Taint; some dark past that has driven them to dire measures to combat evil. Malleus Inquisitors are most often blood hunters of the Order of the Ghostslayer, paladins who have taken the Oath of Vengeance, and rangers of the Monster Slayer Conclave.
Religious, Holy Order


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