The Amber Temple Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Amber Temple

A mysterious temple somewhere in the Dibril Valley said to have been built by the Dökkálfar thousands of years ago.  


Professor Rudolph van Richten left a letter for the party at the Blue Water Inn, explaining that he was heading to the hills north of Lake Zarov in search of a "mad mage" that may know more about the existence of this temple. He warns the party not to follow him.   Later, the party learns from Velikov that the Amber Temple is protected by a perpetual storm and hidden by powerful dökkálfar magic. He knows the way, but will only help them if they will help him return his broodmate to life.   Ezmerelda d’Avenir believes the Amber Temple is a prison for the the Fallen, powerful beings defeated long ago. The Mad Mage confirms this, and claims he once guarded the Temple.   The party hears several stories while at the Cavern of the Ancestors that refer to a "Crystal Mountain" that the party believes may be the Amber Temple.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location


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