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Artorius Cassiopiea

Agent Artorius Dymlos Lucian Calegora Cassiopeia

LG male versatile human paladin champion of Ragathiel

Archetypes: Sentinel, Sorcerer (angelic)
Edgewatch Rank: Special Operations (see Starwatch)
Starwatch Rank: Clandestine Operations
Other Affiliations: Aspirant of the Sixth Wing of the Vermillion Chapel
Background: Political Scion
Former Captain & Watch: none (new recruit)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

240lbs of solid muscle. Think six-pack abs, ripped back, thighs that could crush watermelons, and each arm the size of a python.

Body Features

Tall, imposing bodybuilder physique.

Facial Features

Clean-shaven. He is rough, square headed with arched elbows and a hawk-like glare.

Physical quirks

Taps his temples while really thinking.

Apparel & Accessories

When not in uniform, typically dresses in the latest fashion from the higher-end shops as funds allow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A spoiled playboy who played with his swords more for fun than real combat. But everything changed when The Whispering Tyrant attacked.

Gender Identity



(Unspecified at this time.)


Artorius sounds like he had access to the finest private tutors in any topic that money could buy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed not to die during the Seige of Absalom.


As a paladin of Ragathiel, Artorius's anathemas are never to cower from combat, to forgive those who have irreparably sinned, and never to leave allies unwillingly in darkness.

Personality Characteristics


Be the change to better help people and the guiding light against evil. Dispel the apathy of the higher-ups while inspiring hope to the downtrodden. Punish evil accordingly and address the root causes of this evil.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy at flirting and intimidation and inept at lying.

Likes & Dislikes

Greatly enjoys training, debating morality, and drinking. Dislikes dancing and incompetence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Chivalrous, assertive, and humble.

Vices & Personality flaws

Insufferable flirt.


Meticulous about appearance and personal hygiene, often polishing gear and visiting magewright tailors to mend his attire.


Contacts & Relations

Chapel of Ragathiel, Edgewatch teammates, Abasom guard, likely a few friends from his noble circle of friends.

Religious Views

Devout follower of Ragathiel and respectful of other good-aligned deities. Would have followed Sarenrae yet her merciful attitude without any sincere effort by the sinner lead him to more direct methods - Ragathiel. Willing to work with neutral parties but is very suspicious of evil deities.

Social Aptitude

A silver-tongued diplomat with muscles to back up his words. While not unreasonable, Artorius follows Ragathiel's teachings of deserved redemption. If the criminal makes an earnest attempt at redemption, then they deserve the honest chance.


Polite and courteous. Artorius recalls his etiquette training while being raised in the noble Cassiopea family. As the eldest, he was expected to be the face of the family and was groomed for the role accordingly.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets but he has a growing fondness for Fang. His hobbies include training, learning, and drinking.


Adaptable. Artorius has been in the social scene since he could talk and has rubbed elbows with the highest members of society so he knows how to act. If addressing common thugs then he will likely pin the suspect to the wall with one hand and intimidate the subject, knowing being both a guard and paladin of Ragathiel mean very bad news for evil. Speaking with members of higher society would lead to a more eloquent, diplomatic approach as nobles recognize the guards' authority (not to mention can often make life difficult with a simple letter to the right person).

Wealth & Financial state

Guard salary.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
17 Kuthona
Cassiopiea Manor, Absalom
Current Residence
Edgewatch barracks
Platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
196 cm (6'5")
109 kg (240 lbs)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Taldane (Common)


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