Elrdron Mountainbane Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Elrdron Mountainbane

male dwarf lawful neutral battlemaster fighter

Eldron's Story

Elrdron was born and raised in the hills just west of the Salsanas Mountains deep in southern Tasserland. Though he was of the southern or Saltstone Dwarf people of the area, it became apparent early in his youth that he carried characteristics of the northern dwarves from the Ice Lords mountain range in the north of Tasserania. His clan's history holds that there was some ancestral connection to the north and his features seemed to add validity to those legends.   As a child and adolescent, Elrdron's affinity for fighting and use of weapons was apparent. It was clear that his life's calling was martial in nature and it was all that his clan could do to keep him from running off to aid in the battle against the hordes. They knew he was much too young and certainly would have perished needlessly in the conflict. They were successful then but they could not stall him any longer a decade later. He left home as a young adult to join the militia of the nearby town, Kaldar. His served in the militia there with great skill and he soon grew in regard. Increases in rank followed and he rose to platoon commander. Sometimes he was even given the role of squadron commander when needed.   After four or five years, Elrdron started to take on special missions for the militia. His latest such mission came early in the winter of 22 CA. He was tasked with accompanying a dignitary on their return journey to the famed library Gate Horn. His mission was to ensure that the dignitary returned safely but another task was added to this. A high-ranking Commander of the Kaldar Militia approached Elrdron before the caravan set off and asked him to investigate rumors of increased activity by the nefarious Cult of the Dragon. Elrdron agreed and set off.   The librarian was safely returned to their home and after, Elrdron opted to return home by way of a different path. He chose to head west through the Greenfield Plains before turning south towards home. Along the way, he crossed paths with an elf of obvious fey nature named Kelsie. Since the two were headed in the same direction, they traveled together. They headed towards the town of Greenfields.  

Elrdron's Descriptions and Mannerisms

There are a lot of things about Elrdron's appearance that stand out. He's a bit on the short side, even for dwarves, and stands only three and a half feet tall. His strong build is in keeping with his race and he weighs in at a stout and strong 280 pounds. This means that, even though he's on the short side, he's build much like a barrel and much like other members of his race.   Elrdron's physical features further deviate from those of his brethren southern dwarves in that his skin is not as fair as most and he has dark hair. Southern dwarves tend to have very pale, albeit usually tanned skin and fair hair but Elrdron's features are more akin to the northern dwarves. Those who know of his heritage are not surprised though.   Elrdron is the epitome of fearlessness and calm on the field of battle. He never shies away from battle and always wades into the middle of the fray, shield in one hand, and battleaxe in the other. On the rare occasion that he must, Elrdron always carries a couple of hand axes with him and he throws these at foes he cannot yet reach and engage with in melee combat.  
Lawful Neutral
Small village in the hills just east of the Salsanas Mountains near the town of Kaldar
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White but tanned
3' 6"
Aligned Organization