Lallana Mornglow Tallander Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Lallana Mornglow Tallander

Mis Lallana Mornglow Tallander (a.k.a. Lala)

Lala Tallander was an Eldessarn noblewoman from Eldesrand who lived around the coming of the Sixth or Current Age of Azocar.  
  • Lala is the youngest child and the second of the twins.
  • Jon Tallander named his youngest child in tribute to her mother.
  • Physically, she is the exact opposite of her twin brother. While he is blond and fair like their mother, she is dark and sultry like their father. She stands just about five feet and eight inches tall and has a very womanly figure belying her 130 lbs. Her waist-long hair is darker than even her father's own and her complexion matches his. She has dark-brown eyes that are mirrors of her father's.
  • Lallana has grown into a true beauty and she has many admirers in the royal court and amongst the nobility.
  • Her personality is much closer to that of her twin. She's very easy-going
  • Another thing her twin and Lala share is an inconvenient infatuation. Kam and Lala are the same age as the King's oldest two grandchildren, Oliver and Eliza. The foursome grew up together and were fast friends from childhood. As they grew, friendship grew into infatuation. Unfortunately, as close as Jon Tallander and the King were, they weren't so close that the monarch and his son and successor would forego tradition in choosing marriages for their most important heirs. House Tallander was a level or two below what was expected in matches for a "crown prince or princess".
neutral good
Current Status
wondering why things worked out the way they did
Current Location
Date of Birth
18th Growth, 7 bCA
Year of Birth
she / her
dark brown
dark brown, kept waist-long and worn loose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
135 lbs.
worshipper of Marha and Freia


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