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Huus Tallander

House Tallander of Eldessar was a noble family of some renown during the centuries at the end of the Fifth and at the beginning of the Sixth or Current Age of Azocar.   For three centuries, House Tallander has had a presence in Eldesrand, the capital city of Eldessar. It's nickname, the Farmers' House is based on its origins in the farmlands and plantations of the Tasser River Valley west of the capital. To this day, House Tallander's farmland holdings are greater than any other in the Eldesrand area.   It has been dozens of decades since the noble family proper were directly involved with agriculture, however. They have been entwined with the aristocracy of the city and the kingdom for generations. These days, the Tallanders are civil society figures and leaders. Though not nearly as wealthy as the wealthiest houses in the city, the Tallanders have as much influence as those others.   The current Lord Tallander, Jonharin aka Jon serves as one of the king's closest advisors and has done so since well before the great wars. His father, Imrand and grandfather, Hardick served the kings of Elderron before the current monarch in much the same fashion. Jon Tallander prides himself on being the voice of caution and calm in the royal court. His peers often joke that his demeanor is too serious and severe but they all respect his counsel, especially the king himself.   The Tallander family ethos is that one must serve the people above all else and, excepting that, they must serve the family. Tallander men are expected to serve the king and his house. This can come in the form of advisement or, more commonplace, through the military. Those that do not engage in such service are expected to act as stewards over the family's holdings.   Tallander women are expected to marry in the manner determined to be most beneficial to their House. The only exception is if a Tallander woman dedicates her life to the Church of Marha instead. Though she may still marry, she is no longer burdened with the expectation of increasing the family's standing in doing so.   Selfishness and self-service are generally not tolerated and this has never been more true than with the current Lord Tallander and his progenitor. He considers it a dereliction of duty if any of his five children stray from their prescribed paths. He also considers a personal affront and something that brings shame to him and his House. To the extent that the Tallander reputation of uniformity and conformity is so widespread, the latter can certainly be true.


House Tallander has its roots in agriculture and farming still represents the vast majority of the family's current income. The family owns numerous farms and plantations in the Tasser River Valley west of Eldesrand. Most of these holdings are in wheat and barley but the family also owns a number of olive and date groves. Lastly, they also own a couple of vineyards on the north side of the river, in the hills leading up to the Southern Tier about 100 miles west of the city. In total, House Tallander employs about 250 people, primarily in the family's agricultural pursuits. These work the nearly 600 acres that the family's land holdings total.  
Keeps and Homes
  • Tallander Manor - This villa sits in the lower end of the Governor's Ward in Eldesrand. The property has been in the family for over two hundred years. It is currently the residence of Lord Jon Tallander, his two youngest children, his oldest son Kal and his family, and the manor's servants and staff. When Lord Tallander dies, the house and property will pass to Kal along with his title.

    The manor features a walled ground that holds an extensive garden, several small groves of citrus fruit trees, and a number of buildings. Of these, the two-story 4,000 square foot main house is the largest. This sits about a third of the way into the property. It is the only stone structure on the grounds besides the wall the encircles them.

    The main part of the house holds a large dining hall, a sitting room, and a foyer. Above this, the second story is divided into six bedrooms and a central gathering area. Back on the first floor, one wing off the side of the main house holds the Lord and Lady's suite and the other holds a library and Lord Tallander's office. A wooden structure attached to back of the house holds the kitchen.

    A guest house features a kitchen, a common room, and two bedrooms. At the back of the property is the house garden. On one side of this is the servant's village comprised of four modest, single-room houses. On the other side of the garden are the barns and animal coops. Between these and the guest house are the stables. A handful of smaller structures such as storage sheds and outhouses make up the rest of the construction on the property.

    Tallander Manor has a staff of ten live-in servants. These include a butler, a nurse, a maid/cook, and seven general purpose hands. All of these save the butler and the nurse reside in the servants' village at the back of the property. The manor does not currently have a house guard. It relies on the Eldesrand City Guard much like most of the residences and properties in the Governor's Ward.
  • Foghaven Keep - This is the second home House Tallander has had in its four centuries. The family moved here a few years after the House's first Lord, Abram Tallander died and remained there for nearly eight decades until it moved to its current residence in the city. It resides in a vale of the same name north of the Tasser River. This location is as far from the city as any of the family's other holdings. The keep sits atop a small hill that holds one of the family's vineyards. At the bottom of the hill, a small village also with the same name is home to some of the family's employees as well other locals.

    The keep itself is currently unoccupied and is only sometimes used as a hunting lodge. Though it is maintained by members of the family's staff, it is an ancient building three and a half centuries in age so it is not nearly as lavish as their manor in the city itself. Kam Tallander has expressed an interest in moving out of the city when his military days are concluded several times and his father and oldest brother are open to the notion.
  • Tallander Keep - This is the ancestral home of the Tallander family. It started as a small but lavish villa near the village of Eddler's Run. The family built the first house when it was first coming into riches. After Abram Tallander was knighted and his family was elevated to noble status, he commissioned the construction of the keep on the same site. The keep became the family's home for all of Abram's remaining 55 years. This keep is the most modest of the three Tallander homes. It is, after all, very old.

    The keep is currently occupied by Martimus Bellagrini and his family. Bellagrini is the mayor of Eddler's Run and he rents the keep and the grounds from Lord Tallander. Martimus and Jon don't have much of a relationship. He is however, more cordial with Sir Kal and the future Lord Tallander trusts Martimus without reservation. As such, it is likely that Martimus will remain resident in Tallander Keep for many years to come.
  • The Tallander family also owns a couple of retreats away from Eldesrand. One of these is a hunting lodge/cabin in the northern reaches of the Tasser Forest some 80 miles southwest of the city. The other is a small but well-appointed villa near the beach about 25 miles up the coast from the city.
Liquid Assets
The Lords Tallander have been notorious for, among other things, being very tight-lipped about their family's finances. It is likely that only Lord Tallander and possibly his eldest son know exactly how much cash the family currently has. However, everyone agrees that the Tallanders have enough in their coffers to make them millionaires a handful of times over. Their House's enterprises also bring in enough to cover all their expenses and allow the family to live comfortable lives, engage in numerous philanthropic pursuits, and still have a little left over each year.


For three centuries, House Tallander has had a presence in Eldesrand, the capital city of Elderron. It's nickname, the Farmers' House is based on its origins in the farmlands and plantations of the Tasser River Valley west of the capital. To this day, House Tallander's farmland holdings are greater than any other in the Eldesrand area.   It has been dozens of decades since the noble family proper were directly involved with agriculture, however. They have been entwined with the aristocracy of the city and the kingdom for generations. These days, the Tallanders are civil society figures and leaders. Though not nearly as wealthy as the wealthiest houses in the city, the Tallanders have as much influence as those others.   The current Lord Tallander, Jonharin aka Jon serves as one of the king's closest advisors and has done so since well before the great wars. His father, Imrand and grandfather, Hardick served the kings of Elderron before the current monarch in much the same fashion. Jon Tallander prides himself on being the voice of caution and calm in the royal court. His peers often joke that his demeanor is too serious and severe but they all respect his counsel, especially the king himself.   The Tallander family ethos is that one must serve the people above all else and, excepting that, they must serve the family. Tallander men are expected to serve the king and his house. This can come in the form of advisement or, more commonplace, through the military. Those that do not engage in such service are expected to act as stewards over the family's holdings.   Tallander women are expected to marry in the manner determined to be most beneficial to their House. The only exception is if a Tallander woman dedicates her life to the Church of Marha instead. Though she may still marry, she is no longer burdened with the expectation of increasing the family's standing in doing so.   Selfishness and self-service are generally not tolerated and this has never been more true than with the current Lord Tallander and his progenitor. He considers it a dereliction of duty if any of his five children stray from their prescribed paths. He also considers a personal affront and something that brings shame to him and his House. To the extent that the Tallander reputation of uniformity and conformity is so widespread, the latter can certainly be true.
Political, Family
Alternative Names
The Farmer's House
Family Leader
Parent Organization

Articles under Huus Tallander


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