Society of the Silver Hand Organization in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Society of the Silver Hand


The Society of the Silver Hand is a secretive group of like-minded individuals who share the same core beliefs. The belief that those in power don't always have the best interests of society and its people at heart. And that the powerful are often oblivious to threats to the social fabric because they fail to perceive them. Or worse, they are aware of such threats but choose to do nothing about them.  



Characteristics of the Silver Hands

The Silver Hands work largely behind the scenes and as secretly as they can manage it. This does not mean that they are completely unknown. Powerful and well-connected Tasseranians are likely to know quite a bit about the Silver Hands and their activities. Many even know a couple or more Hands, as the members of the group are known. Among more common folk however, knowledge of the Silver Hands is much rarer.   Regardless of who knows of the Silver Hands and how much they know, very few know how widespread the organization is and how many Hands there actually are. In fact, many of the rank and file of the organization have no idea as to these details either. This is largely borne of the facts that there is no formal organizational structure to the group and there is no formal process for new members to join.   Leadership of the Silver Hands is largely handled informally and usually, seniority is the measure by which the influence of all members is measured. There are occasions where a Hand with a relatively short period of membership gains in the estimation of their peers by way of his or her usually heroic deeds.   The influence any Hand possesses is also important because only those whose "level" is accepted to be high enough can formally invite others to join the Silver Hands. The organization does not have any hard and fast rules or requirements that new members must meet. However, it is typical that candidates for membership will only be invited after they have proven themselves worthy of the honor.   The activities of the Silver Hands are not limited to just their members, however. It is not unusual for Hands to employ others as agents at large of the organization to accomplish some usually very specific task. Whether or not the Hand reveals their true motives to such agents and how much they tell them about the organization is a matter of preference.   The Silver Hands' activities stretch across the breadth of the continent of Tasserania but there are areas where they are more or less influential. The Hands do have a presence in the largely elven lands of Tasserland but it's not as significant as within the Eldess Kingdoms. In the lands of the Varn Valley, the Hands have agents but they are viewed more suspiciously there than elsewhere on the continent. Also, in the decades following the Horde Wars, the tenets and philosophy of the Silver Hands have taken some root in lands overseas but their influence is still quite limited.   Secretive as they are, the Silver Hands don't have a lot of visual identifiers. The organization's symbol is the underside of an silver and blue, open, right hand with the fingers together and pointed upward against a dark blue field. But this symbol is rarely seen in its full form. More usual but still rare are Hands who wear a pin or amulet depicting the silver hand itself. Less rare are Hands who get the symbol tattooed on their body, usually on the left side of their upper torso, midway between their heart and shoulder.  

Notable Members

  • Carlon Amoffel - a male human spy operating in the borderlands of the Southern Tier and the Varn Valley
  • Leosin Erlanthar - a male half-elven monk operating throughout southern Elysia and beyond
Political, Activist
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