Westport Council of Lords Organization in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Westport Council of Lords

The Westport Council of Lords was a select group of noble and otherwise influential residents of the city of Westport in the Kingdom of Elysia on Taszerania. As was tradition throughout the Eldess Kingdoms, the purpose of the Council of Lords was to advise their liege, the Lohr of Westport, whoever they may be. Tradition also held that, among the Eldess, Lords and Ladies ruled but only because their Counselors allowed them to do so.


The Westport Lords Council consisted of an odd number, usually seven, of named members. Like other such bodies, most of the membership consisted of members of local nobility with influential merchants, scholars, or other civic leaders occasionally being named to the body. Additionally, as was also typical, no member of the Council was officially ranked above any other and their votes and voices mattered equally.   Membership in the Council was granted through appointment by the Lohr of Westport and was typically granted for life. However, members could be deposed but only if their peers and the Lohr of Westport were in agreement that they should be removed. Alternatively, a Lord Counselor could choose to step down from their position and often, resignation was a manner of avoiding the disgrace of being deposed. There were instances however, when a Counselor would resign absent some ulterior motive but these were rare.


Notable members of the Westport Council of Lords include:
  • Master Korin Sebblesson (11 bCA to - ) - Influential merchant master whose shipwright business held great sway over Westport around the coming of the Sixth Age.
  • Lord Karlsson Ohldenaar, Head of his House (7 bCA to - ) - Patriarch of a small but influential noble house of the Southlands, "Lord Karl" was a close friend of Alana Kateri's father but was very skeptical of his daughter and chosen successor.
  • Lord Andrey Galdenhart, Head of his House (CA 4 to - ) - Patriarch of the so-called "Second House" of Elysia, Lord Andrey was the cousin of Lady Alana Kateri and a constant thorn in her side.
  • Lord Tomas Siggerdsson, Head of his House (CA 7 to - ) - Head of the newest noble house of the Southlands during the early days of the Sixth Age, Lord Siggerdsson was also Lady Alana's "Banner Holder".
  • Master Alec Kurran (CA 9 to -) - a former Harbormaster of Westport, Master Kurran was one of the most influential persons not of noble birth to ever hold the title of Lord Counselor.
  • Revered Sister Adheera Kellen (CA 12 to - ) - Head of the Church of Marha in Westport during the early decades of the Sixth Age of Azocar.
  • Master Ariamus Brannerson (CA 14 to - ) - Alana Kateri's husband, Master Ariamus was a Hero of the Horde Wars and a powerful member of the Cerulian Spire.
Geopolitical, City council
Parent Organization


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