Alloys of Note Material in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Alloys of Note

The artificers of Aiaos trace a lineage back to titanic science via the arcane smiths of antiquity, who were among the first mortal Magic users. As such, the study of arcane metallurgy remains a cornerstone of even the most theoretical magical education, and many of the ancient alloys have yet to be bettered.   MITHRIL is any alloy of mithrim, copper and silver, and sometimes tin or zinc. The mithrim enhances the strength of the copper and purity of the silver to create a light, hard, corrosion- resistant metal, often used in armour. Mithril is a hallmark of elven metalwork.   ORIOSIL is an ancient, elven alloy created from copper, tin, arcanite and traces of other elements. This 'sky bronze' was used for weapons and armour by the high Elves of the Regime, but modern elven smiths more often use ARCANE STEEL - iron and carbon alloyed with arcanite and sometimes mithrim - for masterworks and regular steel for everyday.   Celestite is an alloy of iron and carbon with trace amounts of siderite and selenite. Even with the minuscule proportion of Imperishable Substances used, celestite is incredibly rare. A black metal with a luminous sheen, it is unmistakable. Celestite is produced by ash elf smiths, who more often work with the similarly coloured, but mundane, Black Steel called ASHMETAL. The two alloys are used together in the massive chain which spans the mouth of the Great Delta.   LEGION IRON is another form of black steel, this the work of orc smiths. Modern Orcs tend to favour the term dark steel.   The early Dwarfs smiths also solved the riddle of steel, but produced a bright metal known as WHITE STEEL, quite distinct from ore or ash elf alloys, but used in much the same ways.   ADAMANTINE is on alloy of adamantite and iron that is noted for its incredible strength. While it has been imitated by others, the finest adamantine is still the work of mountain dwarf smiths.   LEXITE is a dwarven alloy of gold, silver and mithrim. It is used for making jewellery and as inlay on inscriptions.   TITANITE is steel made with Titan iron. Most forms of titanite are of slightly lower or equivalent quality to black or white steels, while smiths accustomed to working black or white steel are capable of creating a superior grade of titanate.   DRACONIUM, or dragon bronze, is a metal favoured by the Dragonborn of Ladonia. Original draconium was smelted with dragon breath in Ladon, but the modern version merely uses the same unique metallurgic composition.   VOIDSTEEL is an incredibly dangerous alloy of iron and voidspar. It emits toxic Void energy and is prone to fracture, but its destructive nature makes it able to disrupt almost any material. Voidsteel chisels are often used by those who seek to harvest imperishable materials from the Pillars.


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