Nome of the Ancient Shadows Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Ancient Shadows

Between the forests of the Towers of Wood and the fringes of the Elysian boundary, lies the grim territory long known as the Duchy of the Ancient Shadows. Once a place sacred to the terrible Elemental Princes who created the Genasi through dark magic in the early years of the mortal age, this forest retains a dark reputation, and is said to contain gateways to the Malificences of each of the elemental planes beneath its shadowing canopy, while its twisted vegetation and miasmal air speak of ties to the Grim Plain.   The Grand Dukes and their court are the guardians of this place; more its goalers than its protectors. Mostly Elf-blooded genasi with strong ties to the Primal Wild, they lead their people in the endless cycles of rites that keep the evils of the Malificences, the Grim Plain and The Abyss itself from pouring into the world through the wounds which still fester beneath the temples of the Elemental Princes.   The Grand Duke (as with most titles in Caino, it is applied without gender) has been the hereditary nomarch of the Ancient Shadows since the Duchy's accession to The Elysian Federation in CY22.1. The electors are the high officers of the Grand Duke’s court: the Arch-Priest; the four High Binders, each responsible for maintaining the rites binding one of the Princes; the Grand Chancellor; and the Duke’s fool, an office of surprising power and importance.
Geopolitical, Province


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