Nome of the Eternal Riding Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Eternal Riding

Wherever the Legion went, the Horde would follow, its slave-soldiers scraping up whatever the Orcs left behind. If the Legion raised a temple to their gods on a mountain, the Goblinoids would build a shanty town around the foothills.   So it was in Caino. When the Legion clashed with the Regime in the stoney ground north of the Skystone Peaks, they called up the endless multitudes of Goblins who were landed by the hulks of the Horde on the coastal plains behind them. When the war ended, the hulks stopped coming and their numbers dwindled, but with the orcs liberated by their own hands, the Hobgoblins who ever emulated them did the same, and the other goblinoids followed.   By the time of the Blessed Concordance, the coastal plains were home to a thriving population, ruled by the marshals of numerous hobgoblin tribes. Over the next two centuries, these tribes slowly unified, becoming a chiefdom under the control of the Tagos of the Eternal Riding. It was the hobgoblins, disciplined and orderly, who brought the bugbear bands and goblin villages into The Elysian Federation as a more-or-less cohesive body politic in CY19.3, with the hobgoblins providing leadership and drive, the goblins pastoral resources, and the Bugbears heavy labour.   The nomarch bears the title Tagos, and is chosen at a moot of the tribes in Red Tents, the brick-built settlement that is the nearest thing the riding has to a city. Laid out like a hobgoblin camp, with the military districts defending the civilian, it’s low sprawl is often mocked by other nomes, but the majority of the population still lives as wandering tribes in the wild riding. Red Tents is, however, the heart of government and civil service in the nome, and is located close to the borders with the Nome of the Broken Ground and the Nome of the Rolling Thunder, in part to facilitate diplomatic contact with the Elves and Minotaur without allowing them too far into the Riding itself.   The electors are: the Reeve Marshall of Red Tents, the civic administrator of the capital; the Urmach of the Eternal Riding, the warleader of the nome; the ungars of the three most prominent tribes after the Tagos’; the Earth Marshall, a representative chosen or elected by the leaders of the goblin towns and villages who are responsible for most of the nome’s logisitical base; and the Brute Marshall, the bugbear representative, who is by tradition the first bugbear a messenger can find when a vote is announced.
Geopolitical, Province


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