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Temple of Baleon Nakt

Once a small, but very active temple to the Horned one of Aufstrag . It housed a High Priest, a Knight of the Dark who had his own cohort of acolytes, and garrison troops. As the Winter Dark War waned, so to did the power of this temple.   The temple itself was besieged, and damaged. Fighting made it into the upper Sub-layer where most of the defendants were either slain, captured, or fled. Recently found and used as a raiding base by Gritznak the Bold whose Goblin sentries guard the entry of the sub-layer, but are not very alert, and can usually be found drinking, sleeping, or gabling using the spoils of recent raids as barter.   Gritznak came upon the temple while raiding the small agricultural settlements in East March what initially was to be a stopover to shelter out a storm lead to the temple reawakening when a few drunk goblins began fighting over some small insult, and blood was spilt. The temple was an unholy place, where many vile deeds were once performed. The power of the deity it was dedicated to long ago still resides within giving the temple a mind and a will of it's own. The temple wants to restore it's former power, and to do that it wants to resurrect it's former High priest, Unguaith Kine . As such it whispers to Gritznak guiding him, using him. Keeping his raiders drunk, and hostile so more fights ensue. So more blood is spilt.   The temple has convinced Gritznak that he is Unguaith Kine, playing off Gritznaks desire to be a great warlord. He has began kidnaping subjects to sacrifice to the temple 'growing' both of their power. Now only one more sacrifice is required, and Gritznak has begun chaining Goblins within the sacrificial chamber, and filling incense burners as the Knight approaches.

Purpose / Function

Spread the power and influence of the Horned one.


  • Temple of Baleon Nakt Sub-Level One
    Ruined dungeon below the temple. Currently the hide out of Gritznak the Bold infested with Goblins, and worse.
  • Temple of Baleon Nakt Sub-Level Two
    Deeper into the temple we go, and the power of the temple grows.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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