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Small to Medium predators that hunt in packs. They work to bring down prey they sense is weak, or alone. Wolves tend to group in packs of four to twenty, and will always have a dominate male, and female as their leader. At times a Worg, or Winter Wolf will lead large packs.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivore. See behavior.


Wolves move, and attack in groups. Usually splitting so one group distracts their prey, allowing the other group/groups to bite at feet, legs, and hands, trying to tire out and bring down their intended target. Once the intended prey falls the pack fall upon it, feeding before it is wholly dead.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wolves have superior sense of smell, and can track similar to a Ranger    Special: Trip, Scent, Track, Twilight Vision
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Canis lupus


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