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Session Five - Over the hills, and down the road. To the creepy evil Temple we go...

General Summary

Sir Alistair Howell crossed the stone bridge spanning the Drunderry River and his horse Sten was soon climbing an old trail leading up from the river and into the eastern Fallow Hills Alexandre Loralen and Ozias followed behind and after they too had summited Risha spurred Br'er forward. They were all across and looking back at the stone bridge that once was concealed by magic from the Fey but now lay bare.   Not knowing where the Goblin riders were, nor if their crossing was witnessed the four mounted adventurers set out to the North, and as they climbed the eastern embankment came upon the remains of an Old Imperial road After an hour of Travel the four heard the sound of a soft sizzle, and wafts of vapor was observed drifting from bags. Upon investigation all of their food carried had rotted, and all but 1 container of liquid was spoiled. Frustrated they pressed onward.   A second hour had passed when a ghostly horn sounded in the distance. Mounts were spooked, and Alexandre barely held his composure as Fear descended upon them. Undeterred they pushed North.   As the third hour struck, a shadow crossed the afternoon skies, as the party looked up a Lammasu circled the group and landed along the roadside ahead. It postured aggressively; however, the group engaged in diplomacy instead. Pleasantly surprised, the Lammasu introduced himself as Nefratel and stated he lives to the east in the old Elven tower. He has engaged the Goblins occasionally, not appreciating their occasional attempts to search his home. Nefratel told them Gritznak could be found further North at the old Temple to the Horned one, and provided they do not venture east he will not harass their travels upon the Imperial road any further.   Pushing harder on their mounts the group rode hard to make the Temple before sundown. as the sun hung low they came upon a path fork where the Imperial road turned west, and a smaller less used trail went north. Here an old basalt statue of The Horned One stood pointing North. Alexandre saw tracks of wolves, and more took that trail, and they continued.   Cautiously they approached the old Temple ruins. Eventually finding the upper area deserted. The mounts were secured along the rear of the ground floor, out of sight of anything that may come or go. Splitting into two groups the descended down to Sub-level one where the pathway rejoins as they encountered the first Goblin patrol checkpoint.
  Combat ensued, and the party mostly cleared Sub-Level One. That is until Ozias tried to get himself killed with a Wolf Spider, Medium    Can Ozias resist the Paralyzed poising currently running through him?   Will the Wolf in the area ahead of Alexandre charge?   What is Gritznak up to down here?   and can they stop him?

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Report Date
14 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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