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East March

Mountainous valley with trees
Rural frontier in the North East of Kingdom of New Aenoch suffered early during the Winter Dark War against Aufstrag as the Armies passed through. As the war continued East March became a forgotten front, and was largely ignored.
  The Drunderry River and El Marsh Lake are both located in the eastern area of the region, while the Hrusen River bisects the region. Both rivers are more sources of freshwater or fishing with transportation mainly utilizing the River road.
  Hrueset is the most developed settlement, and serves as the primary provincial holding. with the other settlements serving resource production with less than 50 inhabitants. Malforten is an example of an Agricultural hamlet.


Rugged wind swept hills, and thick dark forests carve this region in half. Hrulsen River bisects the region, and the Drunderry River feeds lake El Marsh. The Fallow Hills occupy the eastern edge, and the Foulwooth Wood, Elmast Forrest, and Barrren wood lie in the west.   North lies the border with Aufstrag  East lay the Plains of Achrothos


Warm summers, with cool breezes make pleasant evenings.   Wet spring   Chill brisk Autumn   Mild winters, with occasional harsh blizzard storm.


  • East March Region


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